
Feasibility Study: A Study on the Capacity of Home Based Health Care

606 words | 3 page(s)

The home based health care industry is growing by the day with statistics from the Department of Health demonstrating this trend (Stevenson, 2013). There is the need to guarantee that there is enough capacity for medical personnel to meet this rising demand adequately. The institutions of learning have to offer quality training to the medical personnel given the sensitivity of the Home-Based Healthcare procedures (Harrington, 2011). The home based health care system seems to attract a lot of demand due to its low cost of medical care, the fast response time to recovery and the first-hand attention patients receive from medical personnel at home. It is critical to note that the quality of health care in larger facilities is lower than in smaller facilities, which is a significant reason behind the growing demand for Home-Based Healthcare.

The number of qualified nurses trained to offer Home-Based Healthcare to ailing patients is directly proportional to the quality of health care services (Furhoff & Modin, 2012). A shortage of medical personnel can negatively impact the health care sector and derail the drive towards quality health care especially to the elderly and chronic disease patients (Furhoff & Modin, 2012). This study aims at realizing the current capacity of Home Based Healthcare personnel and how necessary steps can be taken to guarantee that there is enough personnel to meet the rising demand. Regulations also need to be upheld to ensure that the standards of Home-Based Healthcare remain high.

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Availability of home based health care personnel is key to the success of the program (Furhoff & Modin, 2012). The medical personnel need to be ready on call in the event of an emergency. The study aims at evaluating the capacity of the home based health care fraternity to respond to emergency cases of patients under home-based health care. Professionals rendering home care include accredited practical nurses, home healthcare aides, registered nurses, occupational therapists and social workers.

The number and capacity of facilities and their ability to sufficiently meet these needs are at a critical level (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 2012). The nursing care facilities are inadequate to meet the rising demands and correspondingly the high initial cost, of purchasing the facility, remains to be a challenging factor. There is the need to improve the capacity of the health care systems to make these facilities available, and certified as safe to be used by patients. The federal government needs to take a long-term initiatives to ensure that the Home-Based Healthcare system has adequately trained personnel who are competent to provide essential home-based health care.

Increased or sufficient capacity of Home-Based Healthcare personnel translates to easy access to health care services by the patients. The availability and capacity of the Home-Based Healthcare personnel has a direct bearing on the cost of home-based medical care services. A high number of medics will translate to easy access and low cost in terms of engaging healthcare personnel for their services. The higher the demand for personnel, the higher the cost of hiring one.

The Federal Government needs to take the initiative of availing training centers in a bid to increase the number of professionals getting certified. This way, the level of health care is sustained in terms of affordability and costs. Most of the costs incurred by patients are handled by the insurance companies or the patient’s personal financial resources. The feasibility study aims at assessing the current conditions in the Home-Based Healthcare sector, where family and friends offer substantial aid compared to trained personnel. This fact makes the approach informal and raises the need to improve home-based health care by ensuring that the medical personnel are available and accessible to meet the needs of patients.

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