
Finding Employees

381 words | 2 page(s)

Getting the right employees to do a job is an essential concept that company management must put into consideration to take their firm to a different level. One of the significant roles of control in a company is hiring found in Human Resource environment. Transparency in hiring and handling of employees provides a conducive environment which reduces frustrations among employees hence delivering their maximum skills, talent and experience (Gusdorf,2008). This paper presents two example of companies with the best recruitment strategies and two worst recruitment strategies. These strategies are based on their level of transparency during the hiring process.

In the first category, Google and Oracle top the list by creating an online recruitment platform. This platform helps those interested in working with the two companies to view available jobs, salary expectations and allow them to apply. After application, shorting is done by the system where shortlisted candidates go to the aptitude test. The ones not shortlisted are emailed on the reasons why they have not made to the next level. The aptitude test is also done online and assessed by the system. The applicant, therefore, receives his or her results in real time. There is no human interference with the system. Further to this is the interview process which entails group discussion and open-air interview there people are assessed and given their results to share with others. This process has so far made the two companies be on the list of best IOT firms. This is just due to the efforts and talents they get.

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On the other side, some companies have been practising poor recruitment process. Lack of transparency during this important exercise always leads to employees who are not motivated, have no passion for work and at sometimes no relevant skills available. The best example here is Montreal Bank in Canada. In 2014, the bank was so much interested in first come first serve basis. This made them result in employees who are fist at applying but no skills for doing the job. Another example is Honda whose appointment on managerial positions in 2012 was based on shareholders votes. The result in both cases was a scenario where sales were reduced to almost 30%.

  • Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and selection: hiring the right person. USA: Society for Human Resource Management.

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