
Gastrointestinal Disorders Paper

636 words | 3 page(s)

Sigmoid Volvulus is a major cause of the obstruction of the bowel which occurs when there is a twist of some parts of the colon. The obstruction that occurs can be acute of sub-acute depending on the part of the colon that is engaged in the twist (Thomson, 2010). This is one of the most common gastrointestinal tract condition and it is attributed to over 8% of all the obstructions that occur in the intestinal tract. Most of the victim s of the medical condition experience high amounts of pain in the abdomen, absolute constipation and distention. At the onset of the acute and chronic presentations of the condition, some of the patients are likely to experience vomiting and nausea.

There are various medical assessment that can be undertaken on the patients in order to ascertain the presence of the condition and the level of damage. Some of the assessments include the history of the patients and the physical examinations (Elsa & Marks, 2008). Patients that have been previously admitted for the similar gastrointestinal conditions are at a high risk of being affected by the condition. Therefore, previous attacks are significant predisposing factors for the condition. Physical assessments are also important part of the diagnosis. These includes evaluations of the symptoms associated with the condition like abdominal irritation and discomfort and constipation.

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Various diagnostic studies and medical tests can be carried out in order to confirm the presence of the medical condition. These includes the differentiated tests that isolate the presence of the condition from other gastrointestinal obstruction health conditions. The radiographic findings of the abdominal areas of the victims are essential towards facilitating the examinations and studies for the medical condition (Thomson, 2010). The computed tomography scans are also elemental towards the formation of the examination mechanisms that are important towards ascertaining the presence of the condition among the victims and differentiating it from the primary volvulus that may be present in the small intestines.

Chron’s disease is associated with high levels of inflammation in the digestive tract of the victims. The common symptoms of the disease include blood diarrhea and loss of weight. Diagnosis for the medical condition at the age of 40 is essential especially after presentation of some of the common physical and historical symptoms associated with the condition. Patient education at this age is important for the victims because this can enhance the quality of the interventions that can be developed towards improving the status of their health (CCFA, 2015). The education can assist the patents to adopt lifestyles that can promote the status of their health like embracing the use of appropriate diets like high fibers and liquid food. The patients can also be advised the importance of taking the required medication and being keen to note any escalations on the medical condition through the presented symptoms.

Gastritis is a medical condition characterized by high levels of inflammation for of the stomach lining. The condition can occur and increase in the victims as a result of infections from excessive use of alcohol, fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections. Health education is essential for the patients diagnosed at the age of 52. This education can include various management and corrective mechanisms that can assist the patients in improving and restoring their health status. One of the essential aspects of the education is encouraging the patients to embrace regular medical checkups on the experts in order to assess their progression and improvement to the drugs (Medline Plus, 2015). The education can also encourage the victims to embrace the foodstuffs that can assist in the management of the condition and in the management of the stress in the digestive system. The education can also stress on the importance of adhering to the use of the recommended antibiotics and other medical interventions to encourage the positive progression of the status of the patient.

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