
Gender Roles In Media

300 words | 2 page(s)

Gender roles in media differentiate depending on the sphere. In gaming, for example, public opinions on gender roles are absolutely different. In game development community sexism prevails in the depiction of female characters in the games and advertising campaigns for these games. They are typically portrayed as mindless housewives or prostitutes as if no other role suits females. Video games are filled with sexism, and it becomes obvious when stories of men are explained, they have history and some background, while female characters are neutral or dumb and occasionally are not considered to be human beings. The inequality of gender roles in video games is only the top of the iceberg of misrepresentation of women in the media.

In the media, female journalists and experts constitute less than half of the total number of existing journalists and experts. Presentation of the news and stories by the female reports tends to be less stereotyped and biased, and at the same time, it offers additional dive in sensations and context. Male-like media representation is different because it focuses on the facts, figures, and well-known stereotypes. No new idea or vision will be proposed to the public, which suggests a problem for gender roles in the media and professional efficacy. Females in the media face many challenges as they try to change the way their gender is treated.

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Currently, gender roles in the media tend toward inequality, and women are frequently portrayed as inferior individuals. They are victims, and the level of female victimization is somewhat horrifying. Females are often associated with their body parts, namely the chest area, which is most likely to be focused upon in the advertisements. Women face hidden and unconscious biases throughout their lives, so they get used to such attitude and frequently fail to object such wrongdoing.

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