The process of globalization that actively started in the middle of the twentieth century and continues until now has influenced the cultural and economic development of almost all countries of the world. One of the biggest industry that is developing thanks to globalization is fashion. Nowadays, practically all clothes one can buy in the USA is made in other countries, mostly developing ones. Such a tendency has both its advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, globalization has brought numerous benefits for the economies of the developing countries. Most people living in them suffer from unemployment and poverty.
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Therefore, when such companies as GAP, H&M, or Zara locate their fabrics in such states as Bangladesh and India, it leads to the increase in the number of working places. As a result, people get more chances to survive and provide their families with the necessities. In their turn, in the USA, customers have an opportunity to buy cheap clothes and change it every season following the latest trends.
However, there is the other side of the coin in the process of economic globalization. The problem is that not only adults but also children work at such factories. For example, there are numerous proofs that, in India, 10-years-old children made clothes for the GAP Company. More than that, the conditions in which people have to work are terrible. In Bangladesh, teenage girls are forced to work eighteen hours a day, and no one is responsible for their health and life. The problem is that, in case any accident occurs at those factories, the companies such as Zara and Walmart claim that they have nothing to do with it.
Summing up, globalization is a rather controversial phenomenon that has both advantages and disadvantages for people all over the world. On the other hand, it brings people in emerging countries more opportunities for the improvement of their lives and economic development of their states. On the other hand, in such conditions, any violations of laws and human rights are difficult to prove and, as a result, human life is viewed as nothing but a source of income. However, if one remembers that not money but people should be valued in the first turn, the globalization will definitely bring mostly good to humanity.