
Globalization through the Kaleidoscope

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In the article ‘Globalization through the Kaleidoscope,’ Stanley Paliwoda and Stephanie Slater give an outline on the progressive development of the technological, social, cultural and economic perspectives across the globe (Paliwoda & Slater, 2009). The article was published in the International Marketing Review in 2009. According to Paliwoda and Slater, globalization includes a series of processes and continuous advancements across various aspects in the world. Strategic activities among the global and regional organizations are one of the most common drivers of globalization. The authors also some of the common manifestations of globalization is the emergence of various trends and brands that are very crucial across the globe to which the other organizations seek close association.

Globalization is used to describe the evolution of various aspects in life to their current state. The ideology of globalization is defined along frameworks that are closely tied to various regions and nations across the world. Globalization is attributed to facilitating various influences across the world. The aspects that are affected by globalization include the society, business and governments. Consequently, globalization affects all aspects of life in the society alongside the corporate endeavors. This I because the globalization affects the workforce and consumers who are critical constructs of the corporate world.

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Globalization is closely associated with influencing the cultural orientations in the world. Globalization has established itself as one of the biggest influences in the socialization process. The functional capability of globalization has led to the formation of a global village where people can interact freely instantly. The interactions have been enhanced by the availability of sophisticated communication and networking technologies that can relay instant signals that contain messages. This has led to the harmonization of various institutional and personal values and beliefs because of the influence that is acquired from other entities in the networks.

The high rate of globalization has led to the breakage of the social and corporate barriers that portray differences. Some of the factors that have been affected by the increased rate of globalization include the alleviation of the bureaucratic setup of the international business industry. The ultimate effect of this is the increased efficiency and ease of conducting business on an international platform. The acquisition of basic changes in the international business industry has increased the networking that has enhanced strategic collaboration networks that have propagated an increased business cooperation. This has led to the exploitation of various business opportunities in the world.
Globalization has also facilitated the evolution of various attitudes, perceptions and shapes. In both the corporate and social level, attitudes and perceptions have progressively changed over the years. This is presented in the transition of the global activities that has changed consistently with time. Globalization has influenced the continuous changes that are experienced in the policies and regulations associated with international trade over the years. These definitions have also interfered with the natural business environments that propagate various global perspectives to suit the challenges that arise across the world. These changes have also been very crucial in the creation of a comfortable environment on which various transactions are carried out.

The transactions associated with certain special goods across the world has also been enhanced by the high rate of globalization. Some of the goods that have been enhanced include all transactions associated with perishable goods. Increase in technology has led to the formulation of ways and strategies that are applied in the management of the perishable to ensure that they can reach their destinations within the required time frames. The enhancement of the communication technologies and transportation logistics is also one of the factors that have promoted these improvements.

Therefore, globalization has also affected the structural and functional operations of various organizations. The rate of exchange of best practices across the world is very high among the corporate organizations and the social agencies. Some of the functional capabilities that have been affected are internal processes like decision-making endeavors among the organizations to acquire cultures that can adopt effective and efficient processes in the organization. Organizations have acquired structures that are consistent with the global perspectives. Besides facilitating efficient communication, technology has also aided the formation of very effective practices through research activities. Technology has led to the emergence of sophisticated methods that can use trends and historical data to formulate more resilient corporate engagements for the future devoid of various risks.

However, globalization has also had a big negative impact in the corporate transactions. Some of the engagements that have been affected is the ability of various business entities to stand the aspects associated with transformation. Globalization has led to the lack of continuity among various business and social entities because of the lack of the required level of preparation for the changes. Some of these aspects have led to a significant amount of resistance to change due to the inconsistency of the practices adopted from the global community. Nevertheless, globalization has always engineered solutions to such challenges.

In conclusion, globalization is very essential in the management of various global entities. Globalization influences various social, economic and political perspectives in various places in the world. This is a gradual and continuous process that leads to the emergence of various transformations because of influence. The cultures and policies governing international corporate activities and trade have also been subjected to a lot of change because of the globalization.

  • Paliwoda, S.J & Slater, S. (2009). Globalization through the Kaleidoscope. International marketing Review. 26(4): 373-83

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