
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

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The 1967 movie “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” discussed the social questions and considerations regarding the intermixture of various cultures, looking at how individuals within different cultures may act in given situations. Though our society has become far more advanced from not only a technological standpoint, but from a tolerance standpoint as well, there are still situations that arise daily that show different cross cultural situations and the methods used to deal with them; unfortunately they are not all as enjoyable as the viewing of the situational humor within “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”.

At the beginning of the month, members of the Muscogee tribe gathered outside of Cleveland’s baseball field to protest the use of Chief Wahoo as the mascot for the team arguing succinctly that “our children are not mascots” (Schwartz, 2014). The protest and demonstrations were peaceable ones, primarily centered on getting the tribe’s message out to the public at large, concerned with the lack of respect that the team treats their cultural heritage.

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In Kansas, just a few short days ago, the American public started receiving reports of another cultural difference, one that resulted in the death of three individuals; Village Shalom and the Jewish Community Center were both targets of shootings wherein a total of three people were murdered (Ahmed, Fantz, & Schoicet, 2014). The culprits were a former leader of the KKK and a member of a different white supremacist group, the White Patriot Party; as a result of their intolerance for other cultures, they opted to go on a shooting spree in Johnson County (Ahmed, Fantz, & Schoicet, 2014).

Not all cultural differences are easily resolved, and not all involve bloodshed, though these stories show that differences in the handling of a cultural situation can be just as varied as they have always been, with not all situations able to be dealt with in a humorous manner, as was the case in “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”

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