
Health Care Information Priorities

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The concept of health care information technology is looked at as many different systems that can be used to analyze stores and store applicable data. Within today’s society, innovation continues to increase which creates a strong allowance for health care information technology parameters to expand as well (Bowles, 2015). The purpose of this paper is to assess health care information technology with regard to the need of the factors within the health care industry and the role of CIO in managing a system.

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Overview of Health Care Information Technology
Since there are different capabilities that can be taken into consideration with regard to health care information technology, there are a plethora of systems and networks as well in order to cater to the needs of the changing health care organizations. One of the most significant systems that are used today is the development of the electronic health record (EHR). This is used by most health care facilities in order to store and track information that is related to patients. In essence, the EHR systems have been very beneficial because there is a strong allowance to improve efficiency since paper records can be removed in an applicable manner.

An additional health information technology factor that should be noted is the person health record (PHR). This is considered to be very similar to the EHR systems, but patients tend to have access to the information. Some of the data may include tracking visits, vitals and food intake. While the PHR systems are not as widespread as the EHR systems, they are continuing to expand as time progresses. The mechanism of e-prescribing is another aspect of health information technology. In previous years, physicians would write a prescription for a patient on a notepad and the patient would then bring in that piece of paper to a pharmacist. In today’s society, the physician can just take the time to write the prescription electronically and it is automatically sent to the patient’s pharmacist. This increases efficiency and decreases common errors that may be made as well (Kim, 2015).

Other examples of health care information parameters include telehealth, consumer health IT applications (for smart phones and tablets), computerized disease entry and provider order entries. Since the development of many of these factors, the rate of health care has increased, but the quality of care has increased as well. As a whole, it is imperative to ensure that quality care is taken into consideration so that there can be a decrease in overall adverse events. Throughout the years, technology has played a significant role in ensuring that this takes place accordingly (Kim, 2015).

Need for Health Care Information Technology
As time progresses, there is a strong need for health care information technology because there is an ability to improve the quality of care, improve efficiency, reduce adverse events, etc. When used in the correct manner, the technology creates immense possibilities for health care providers to manage patient care through the use of secure devices and networks. Once there are safe systems that are developed within health care environments, the different parameters that are set up can even be more cost effective in the long run. For example, with the use of electronic health records, while the system may be deemed as pricey initially, it may be worth it as years progress since it will decrease the paper costs within the entire organization (Bowles, 2015).

In essence, there is a high valued need for the information technology within health care because there is an allowance to compose accurate information regarding the health of a patient. When this is done, the health care providers can grant the best time of care depending on the situation. Furthermore, when the information is correctly outlined in the technology systems, there is a strong potential to coordinate care in the best possible manner. This is especially important if there are severe conditions to take into consideration. Finally, there is a broad need for health care information technology because there is an allowance to share information in a secure way. This can be done with patients, family members or other health care providers. In essence, with the advance of technology, patients can take part in their own decisions regarding their health (Bowles, 2015).

Role of the CIO in Managing a System
The chief information officer or the CIO is an individual in an organization that takes the time to support the enterprise goals and facilitate applicable responsibility for the information technology within the business. As a whole, this person must make decisions regarding purchasing of new systems and maintenance of current systems. If there are errors that are seen, the CIO must ensure that they are fixed in the most effective manner possible. Throughout the role of a CIO, they must take the time to balance roles because while they are in charge of the technological aspects of a business, they are also leaders who must report to the chief operating officer or the chief financial officer (Kannry, 2016).

Overall, health information technology is extremely beneficial within the medical field. There is an allowance to increase the quality of care and health care providers can take the time to increase the level of coordination which creates stronger efficiency levels. Through systems such as EHRs, PHRs and e-prescribing networks and disease registries, the health care industry will continue to thrive with new innovations in the future.

  • Bowles, K. (2015). The use of health information technology to improve care. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 6(1), 23-30.
  • Kannry, J. (2016). The chief clinical informatics officer. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 7(3), 34-40.
  • Kim, H. (2015). Effects of health information technology. Healthcare Information Research, 21(2), 118-124.

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