
Health Hazard Analysis

712 words | 3 page(s)

Steps to Perform the Work Process Hazards/Potential Hazards

1.Cleaning the surface of medium-sized auto parts with solvent ALS5N0035

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The use of solvent ALS5N0035 in cleaning the surface of the auto parts exposes employees to different health hazards such as:

·       eye irritation

·       skin irritation

·       respiratory complications.



2.Placing the Parts on moving line



some of the potential health hazards include:

·       noise

·       physical bodily harm

3.Spraying parts with powder coating  known as Klean Strip Paint Thinner Some of the typical health hazards associated with this process include

·       skin corrosion and irritation

·       severe eye damage

·       respiratory tract infection

·       difficulty in breathing

4. Packaging potential health hazard includes

·       skin damage

·       respiratory tract infections

In step one, some of the potential health hazards include eye irritation, skin irritation and respiratory tract complication. Some of the primary exposures routes associated with this process include accidental inhalation, body contact through accidental spillage and ingestion. These health hazards have the potential of leading to acute, chronic health effects. For example, lengthy exposure to the chemical substance through inhalation can lead to chronic infections such as lung cancer and acute respiratory tract infection caused by a buildup of these small doses of these chemicals not considered ‘harmful’ but over time may turn fatal when the employee is exposed to these chemical substances for a long time. Although there are no manufacturers’ indication about the presence of carcinogenic substances in the metal spray used during the process, the risk of contracting skin cancer when these chemical particles get into contact with the skin over the years cannot be underestimated. In the past, companies and manufacturers have hidden useful health and safety information about the use of different substances away from the employees. Skin remains a sensitive body organ and any substance that persistently causes irritation and may contain cancerous substances is likely to expose the employee to skin cancer and permanent skin damage or burn. This process also attracts special hazards such as occasional body harm from falling auto parts being cleaned. Employees may require protective gear to protect their lower body from physical injuries.

As the parts are transferred to a moving line in step two, some of the potential health hazards include noise and physical bodily harm resulting from getting into contact with the moving line or auto parts dropping on employees’ toes. The primary exposure routes include excessive sounds getting into the eardrum and also physical contact with the auto parts when they fall harming employees. The uncontrolled excessive sound from the moving line has the potential to cause partial deafness which may result in full deafness when employees continually subjected to the same working condition without wearing protective gear. Also, falling auto parts can lead to muscles dislocation upon contact with the toes. They can also cause severe skin damage when they cause open wounds leaving the employee with big scars on the lower body. There are no special hazards associated with this process. In step three, some of the typical health hazards associated with this process include skin corrosion and irritation, severe eye damage, respiratory tract infection and may result in difficulty in breathing when inhaled since it is poisonous. The primary exposure routes include inhalation, body contact, and ingestion. Exposure to this toxic chemical leads to infertility and damage to the unborn. It also causes blindness resulting from prolonged eye damage. This process may cause fire accidents due to high flammability property of the Klean strip paint thinner. It may require the use of special fire extinguisher in the event fire breaks out from the operational floor to avoid damaging the quality of the auto parts when normal fire extinguishers used.

In step four, some of the potential health hazard includes skin damage and respiratory tract infections resulting from inhaling spray content from the previous process still present during packaging. Primary exposure routes include direct body contact with the freshly sprayed auto packs being packaged for transportation and also inhalation. The traces of chemical elements in this process can lead to skin corrosion which can turn cancerous if not treated early enough. Also, employees involved in this process can suffer from partial blindness and reduced fertility. However, this process does not have a special health hazard.

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