
Health Management and Clinical Assistance

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The organizational model that best describes the organization of which I am familiar has much to do with transformational change in the workplace. This means that all levels of the organization have quality goals to achieve, to enhance patient experiences and outcomes by giving them a higher quality of care. In order to do this, the organization has put into place a system of processes that helps the healthcare staff reach quality goals. One part of the system requires all staff members to attend mandatory monthly meetings, to be kept up-to-date and informed on departmental changes and to make sure everyone has an understanding of current goals to be reached. Our organization is adamant about engaging clinical leaders and other staff, which is important because it allows them to come up with solutions to problems (McGrath, et al., 2008). This fosters a sense of trust among the staff and motivates everyone to commit to implementing approved ideas.

The most effective technique for sharing information and ideas have been allowing staff to submit input, ideas, suggestions or complaints to management at any time, but particularly after the monthly meetings. Parameters are set by management, in terms of acceptable solutions, and management facilitates strategies to be sure they are implemented correctly and in accordance with preset timeframes, just as indicated by McGrath, et al. (2008).

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Ineffective techniques have resulted in the problems associated with a dictatorship style of management, which was previously the norm at the organization. This management style leaves staff members resentful, unmotivated and it stifles their creativity. It has been seen that staff members have come up with some good ideas and have made suggestions that have been implemented that have improved some quality of care processes. Enhancements in many small or large areas help to improve organization-wide patient care.
The current technique of engaging staff in quality of care decision-making can be enhanced by implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) training for all staff members. According to HRSA, TQM is “a set of management practices throughout the organization, geared to ensure the organization consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements.” This could be the focus of applying the organization’s technique for improving quality processes more effectively. This means that both internal and external customers of the organizational staff receive high-quality service. Additionally, it is important that staff members understand the benefits of achieving effective improvement goals in overall care, in terms of process change within the organization. This includes sharpening the organization’s capabilities in areas such as leadership, intellectual capital, group dynamics and information management systems (Glickman, Baggett, Krubert, Peterson, & Schulman, 2007). In fact, using efficient information management systems to improve information technology applications within the organization can help the quality initiative. This is essential to quality improvement, as research shows that 85% of organizational errors are due to communication failures, and this includes medication errors (Glickman, Baggett, Krubert, Peterson, & Schulman, 2007). This is a scary notion. So, the impact of information technology on health management quality improvement processes is quite significant.

Workplace trends are driven by the culture and environment within the workplace, and this is largely influenced by how staff and management connect and share knowledge. This is the best way to further the success initiatives of the organization, which is particularly true in the healthcare industry. This is because the healthcare industry touches everyone in some way at some point in their lives, and it is to a healthcare organization’s advantage to deliver the best quality care possible. This is done through adequate communication and implementing strategic processes in all areas of the organization.

  • Glickman, S. W., Baggett, K. A., Krubert, C. G., Peterson, E. D., & Schulman, K. A. (2007, October). Promoting quality: the health-care organization from a management perspective. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 19(6), 341-348.
  • HRSA. (n.d.). What is Quality Improvement? Retrieved from Health Information Technology and Quality Improvement: http://www.hrsa.gov/healthit/toolbox/HealthITAdoptiontoolbox/QualityImprovement/whatisqi.html
  • McGrath, K. M., Bennett, D. M., Ben-Tovim, D. I., Boyages, S. C., Lyons, N. J., & O’Connell, T. J. (2008, March). Implementing and sustaining transformational change in health care: lessons learnt about clinical process redesign. The Medical Journal of Australia, 188(6), S32-S35.

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