
Hotel Management Foundations

704 words | 3 page(s)

Director of Sales
In most cases, the Director of Sales leads the hotel’s sales department. The Director is usually charged with supervising the sales staff and training the team. Sales directors typically have responsibility for rooms, as well as conference and banquet functions—in essence, anything needed to maximize sales revenues. In conjunction with other senior managers, the Director of Sales works to create a sales program touching all market segments in order to maximize the hotel operation’s revenues.

Duties include identifying and creating sales targets, and developing business relationships with corporate clients including other related service providers, such as airlines, travel agencies and visitors’ bureaus. Market and competitive intelligence are key sales director responsibilities, as well as staying abreast of the market trends in order to adjust sales targets accordingly.

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One Stop Contacts
One stop contacts or a single point of contact (SPOC) are critical for association executives and industry planners. These executives are often charged with putting on events and/or conventions, which are large scale and complex. SPOC allow them to have one person to deal with, as opposed to dealing with all of the ancillary and individual hotel functions including banquets, sales, maintenance and front of the house. While input from those areas is clearly important, the SPOC allows the messages to be filtered internally, rather than requiring the client to have to try to make contact with and to relay messages multiple departments for the same event.

Convention Manager
Convention managers are often a point of contact for association executives and industry planners seeking to hold a meeting, convention, or special event. Convention managers may develop and present contracts for services, are charged with coordinating amongst the other departmental managers within a hotel. These managers oversee event planning and production and are often on site to triage and troubleshoot problems. Duties could range from meeting set-up, to catering, to valet and bell services, to housekeeping and maintenance, not to mention sales. When an event runs smoothly, the convention manager has done their job well.

Sales Department Communications
The sales department brings the client to the operation. It is incumbent upon sales and the other operating departments within a hotel to carry out the guest experience that was contracted for. This inevitably requires communication, collaboration, and cooperation between sales and departments such as catering, food and beverage, housekeeping, maintenance, rooms, valet and bell desk, as well as accounting and general management. All must communicate with sales to pull off the result as contracted for.

Sexual Harassment
Harassing, bullying, or coercing another individual in the workplace or other professional setting, in a manner that involves sexual remarks or advances, constitutes sexual harassment. A sexual harassment claim requires prima facie evidence that there is 1) conducted based on sex (or gender), 2) that is severe, hostile or pervasive, 3) that is unwelcome. Once those three elements are established, the next step is to look at whether the claims involves a single perpetrator, or if instead, there is a hostile work environment at issue.

State and Federal Laws Impacting Hotel Human Resources
There are numerous State and Federal laws that can impact human resources in hotels. These include: immigration laws which have become more stringent, and require more extensive documentation and proof of eligibility from workers before they can be hired. Healthcare legislation, and the Affordable Care Act in particular, have significant impact upon human resources as to the offering of health benefits to employees and the onus of paying for such coverage. The Americans with Disabilities Act also imposes certain requirements upon an employer, and human resource departments must be well attenuated to dealing with requests for accommodations and job screening that falls within the construct of the law. Lastly, the laws legalizing medical marijuana have a huge impact on human resources depending on the state. Even while certain states have legalized medical marijuana, it is still a Category 1 drug at the Federal level and illegal in any form or for any reason. As such, the employer being asked to accommodate a person with a claimed disability treated by medical marijuana risks OSHA violation and other issues if allowing a person under the influence of marijuana (legally prescribed or otherwise), to be working.

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