
Immigrant and Language

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America has historically always been the land of immigrants and the only true natives are Native Indians. One may imagine that the country has hosted diverse cultural and ethnic groups for so long that the society must have gotten rid of prejudices and stereotypes against minority groups by now. But as Amy Tan reminds us, nothing could have been farther from the truth. The prejudices and stereotypes against immigrant groups continue to persist and language is one of the factors that has become the basis of discrimination against immigrant groups. Thus, immigrants should learn the language of the new country/culture because it will help them better integrate into the society.

In an ideal world, the differences exhibited by immigrant groups would be appreciated because diversity benefits the society but the real world is different. The natives of a country which usually form the majority group expect the minority group to conform for the sake of harmony. The immigrant groups that may show resistance to learning the language of the country they have adopted may be perceived as less-than-patriotic by the native groups. As a result, the native groups may adopt hostile attitude towards the immigrant groups.

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The immigrants should learn the new language because it will improve their perceptions in the society and open doors to greater economic opportunities. As Amy Tan reminds us, no one would take her mother seriously due to her less-than-optimal English language skills. Everyone perceived Amy Tan’s mother as less intelligent even though language skills do not necessarily demonstrate one’s intelligence level. Immigrants who learn the local language may be seen as more intelligent and, thus, more likely to be taken seriously if they apply for jobs or seek funding for independent business ventures.

Immigrants should also learn the language of their adopted country because it will help them take advantage of the education and training opportunities necessary for high-income professions. Education is one of the most effective predictors of one’s long term economic prospects and by improving social and economic status, immigrant groups can achieve greater equality in the society. America presents several examples as to how certain immigrant groups have achieved more positive perceptions because of greater command over English language which has also allowed them to rise through economic ranks. Such examples include Indian Americans and Israeli Americans.

Learning language is also important because one cannot discount the importance of communication. As we read Amy Tan’s accounts, not all instances involving her mother were acts of prejudice. In fact, Amy Tan’s friends also had difficulty understanding her mother despite their best intentions. The importance of communication has been growing and it is one of the most important soft skills desired by employers in many industries. One cannot become an effective communicator without at least some proficiency over local language, thus, immigrants should learn local language to become effective communicators. In a multicultural and multiethnic society like America, one frequently interacts and even does business with those from different cultural backgrounds and in such instances, the local language is the primary mode of communication.

Immigrants should also learn the language of the country they move to because communication and interaction is the key to forming a society where differences are appreciated and different ethnic and cultural groups understand each other. Interaction and exchange of ideas help tackle misconceptions and stereotypes and they also help immigrant groups form more positive attitude of local culture which they may initially perceive as a threat to their way of living.

One cannot underestimate the importance of first impressions. As Amy Tan’s mother’s experiences show, her first impression would basically establish how others would treat her. Even Amy Tan’s mother noticed it which is why she would often make Amy Tan speak in her stead on the phone so that the others respond in a better manner. We are also reminded how one’s language skills determine the treatment he gets when hospital treats Amy Tan’s mother in a disrespectful manner but immediately apologizes to Amy Tan and assures her of a timely response.

Immigrants should also learn local language because one of the keys to survival and growth is the ability to adapt. Change is a fact of life and when immigrants try to adapt and learn local language, the locals also respond in a positive manner because they see attempts and efforts by immigrants as a sign of respect for the society they have moved into. This inspires the locals to help immigrants get adjusted into their new country.

Transition to a new country is never easy but learning the local language is one of the most effective ways to feel at home in a new homeland. Language is the most effective form of communication but language doesn’t necessarily denote intelligence. Unfortunately, the social stereotypes often associate intelligence with language skills. While immigrants have no control over how perceptions are born, they can at least make efforts to change those perceptions and one way to do so is to learn language in order to increase interaction with local groups as well as climb up the economic and social ladder.

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