
Immigration in US

320 words | 2 page(s)

America is often called the land of immigrants. Most Americans can trace their ancestry to other continents including Europe, Africa, and Asia. However, immigration is still one of the most politically divisive issues in America. It is important to acknowledge that both sides have legitimate arguments because immigration carries both benefits and costs for the country.

The immigration benefits the economy of the U.S. by raising national GDP. Both immigrants and natives enjoy higher levels of average income as a result of immigration. The immigrants also help meet employment needs in the industries that usually face shortage of labor supply. The immigrants tend to be quite mobile so they often move to places in the U.S. that may be enjoying economic boom and need more workers to increase production levels. High-skilled immigration promotes innovation in the U.S. because they are, especially, active in STEM occupations that see lot of R&D activities. 44 percent of medical scientists and 42 percent of computer software developers in the U.S. were born outside the country (Orrenius).

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However, immigration does have certain costs, too. First of all, the benefits of immigration do not accrue equally to everyone in America. Some of the workers see decline in wages, at least, in the short term. These workers, who see a decline in wages, tend to be low-skilled and less educated. The wages of previous immigrant workers may also take a hit as a result of the arrival of new immigrant workers (Orrenius).

Immigration is a politically divisive issue in America. There are both benefits and costs of immigration for the country. The benefits include economic growth, increase in wages, and greater innovation. However, not everyone reaps the benefits of immigration, particularly, low skilled and less educated Americans who may see decline in wages, at least, in the short term.

  • Orrenius, Pia. Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs. Spring 2016. 19 April 2018 http://www.bushcenter.org/

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