
Imperialism Essay

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Africa and other colonized territories and countries face some challenges and conditions today. Most of these circumstances prevailing in Africa are an accurate reflection of their colonial past. These conditions are rooted in their colonial history, and they reflect what their colonies used to do. The so-called imperialism by 1800 Europe had so many colonies that were dispersed all over the world. Europe and other colonialist have been able to take on the world even in the nineteenth century (Bala 160). Even though Africa and other colonial territories have gained independence, they have obtained it the way their colonial masters wanted. Unless these colonies and Africa at large completely detaches themselves from the western and Europe imperialism, they will not progress and be in a position to compete against their former rulers (Bond 262). They will, therefore, continue reflecting on their colonial past.

Africa and other colonial territories face some conditions today which reflect their colonies regarding three main factors; economic, governance/political and social factors. Regarding economic factors even today decades after most of the African countries and other territories obtained independence they continue to rely so much on the western and Europe countries for the success of their economies (Bond 255). Africa continues to supply her raw materials in these developed countries. Regarding political and governance, the way the governments in Africa are structured directly reflect the colonial governance structures and most of the social crisis and factors today are reflecting the colonial history. Such social conditions are but not limited to land grabbing and westernization.

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Africa has so much wealth that is being used today to accelerate the economies of their colonials or the developed world economies. Her raw materials are utilized in these countries for their benefit. As a result, Africa remains nagging in abject poverty with no economic gains. Not forgetting the human resources; Africa’s riches continue to be looted by the imperialist nations even today yet the African continent claims to be liberated (Fenske & Kala 71). Poor economic growth, therefore, is a clear reflection of the colonial past. The minerals in Africa are so much, and if utilized well to develop Africa alone it would be the most modernized continent.

Institutionalization and governance are other areas by which Africa today clearly reflects the colonial history. A splendid example is the institutionalization of sports in South Africa. The games in South Africa today clearly indicate what the colonies brought in Africa. Most of the government structures in Africa are also a reflection of the colonial government structure that is full of bureaucracies. The bureaucracies were put in place to make it hard for the African people to pursue justice.

Such government and the legal structures reflect the colonial era. The structures had loopholes that exist even today. Such loopholes wee open to how leaders then could utilize them for self-benefit such as assigning and acquiring land that was public property to making it their private lands. As a result, thousands of hectares of land continue to be seized for private gains (Schmitt 340). Regarding social factor, most of the social problems today in the colonial territories are a replica of the colonial past. Social conflicts such as the tribalism are a modified version of racism that was advanced by colonial rulers.

The analysis above clearly indicates that current conditions in Africa just reflect the colonial past. Mostly the main conditions can be categorized and classified in political issues, economic and social issues. There is a need for these colonial territories to arise and shine. It is high time that they desist and actively delink themselves from the colonial’s parents if they are to progress and experience growth. They should learn that even the most successful third world countries have succeeded by forgetting what their colonies had and focusing in the future.

  • Bala, Kawu. The Dying Sahara: US Imperialism and Terror in Africa by Jeremy Keenan. Pluto Press, 2015: 159-160.
  • Bond, Patrick. “Sub-imperialism as the lubricant of neoliberalism: South African ‘deputy sheriff’duty within BRICS.” Third World Quarterly vol. 34, no. 2, 2013, pp. 251-270.
  • Fenske, James, and Namrata Kala. (1807): Economic shocks, conflict and the slave trade.” Journal of Development Economics vol. 126, 2017, pp. 66-76.
  • Schmitt, Carina. “Social Security Development and the Colonial Legacy.” World Development vol. 70, 2015, pp. 332-342.

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