
Interventions for Alcohol-Related Deaths

679 words | 3 page(s)

Based on the personal statement, it is imperative to first establish the dependent variable. After carefully going through the statement, the issue on the reduction in the number of alcohol-related death was found to be the dependent variable (Duperrex et al, 2002). The reason is if other reported issues such as the implication hold by report on the Texas residents’ safety were to be resolved, then the issue on alcohol-related deaths ought to have been dealt with first. The following interventions were noted to be of essence in the eradication of this vice.

Environmental Adaptability
Measures should be put in place to implement radical changes in the environment around Texas roads such as erecting bumps and laying road blocks along the routes that are highly accident prone. Also, pedestrians and cyclists should be provided with lanes and walkways, which reduce overcrowding and confusion to effectively eradicate road accidents (Redelmeier, & Detsky, 2017). Different environments have different characteristics and, therefore, require different solutions to the different problems faced in the respective areas. A wide area traffic calming measure has been noted to greatly help in the reduction of road accident, particularly in relation to children (Jones et al., 2005).

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Road Safety Programs for Both Drivers and Pedestrians
Road safety programs can help reduce the rate of accidents on the roads. Both drivers and pedestrians need to be informed on how to behave while on the road (Duperrex et al, 2002). These programs can be directed on special groups, such as those with higher death rates. They may also be offered to the general public through mass media or road safety education programs and driving classes.

Media Education Campaigns
Media education campaigns have been used in the UK to educate road users on road safety measures. These education campaigns have been carried out through radios, televisions, newspapers, magazines among others. These campaigns warn road users on the dangers and implications of bad behavior on the roads such as drunk driving and use of mobile phones while on the road (Redelmeier, & Detsky, 2017). Similar road safety campaigns have been done in Scotland by the Scottish executive. The impact of behavior and the amount of traffic accidents is difficult to measure but the results of the road safety campaigns have been felt positively.

Addressing Drunk-driving
Bar owners and operators can be educated on the dangers of drunk driving and also measure be put in place to ensure that they reduce the levels of intoxication, particular to the identified drivers, thus reduce night time road traffic accidents. Other measures include equipping the traffic police with alcohol blower to test the level of intoxication on the specific drivers. However, this system can only work with the introduction of laws and by-laws governing the use of alcohol while driving and what fines should be place on a specific person if found to exceed the level of intoxication set for drivers (Duperrex et al, 2002). Awareness, communication and collaboration among the different parties are vital in establishing national road safety mechanisms. Precisely, the general public needs to understand the volume of deaths, injuries and crushes and also which road users are affected most. Therefore, they should know the geographical areas with the greatest number of fatalities and the roads that are mostly affected (Grant, 2016). Investigating and reporting on road crushes should be strengthened so as to ensure that the reports presented are accurate, hence will be used to transform those reports into inputs that will be processed for the mutual benefit of the community in addressing road safety concerns
This will greatly influence the method of intervention to be used and particularly on which individuals.

  • Duperrex, O., Bunn, F., & Roberts, I. (2002). Safety education of pedestrians for injury prevention: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Bmj, 324(7346), 1129.
  • Grant, D. (2016). A structural analysis of US drunk driving policy. International Review of Law and Economics, 45, 14-22.
  • Jones, S. J., Lyons, R. A., John, A., & Palmer, S. R. (2005). Traffic calming policy can reduce inequalities in child pedestrian injuries: database study. Injury Prevention, 11(3), 152- 156.
  • Redelmeier, D. A., & Detsky, A. S. (2017). Clinical action against drunk driving. PLoS medicine, 14(2), e1002231.

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