
Interview on Gun Control

300 words | 2 page(s)

Background Research on Gun Control
Gun control in the US has been an issue with great complications and controversies. The constitution of that USA protects the rights of the citizens to access guns in aid of protecting themselves and offering security. This was contained in the Second Amendment of the constitution. However in the present times the presence of guns within the people has impaired security and caused a lot of deaths. The presence of the guns in the communities, with the very dangerous risks like death, has triggered the need of legislation on gun control in the US.
The objective of the gun control Interview will be to outline the benefits of Gun Control. This will offer comparative platforms for the importance of having the gun access rights to the people.

The Interview Questions
What are the possible advantages of the gun control legislation?
How does the presence of guns in the society impair security in the community?
Could there be instances where the gun access rights be used as opportunities to other crimes?
What are the complications in doing away with the guns in the societies and having them?
Does gun control attempt to address the major issues of insecurity and dangers in the society?
What effect does rights to gun access has in the lives of the people?
Does the presence of guns in the communities escalate any crime form within people?
Are the dangers that the access to guns pose supersede the benefits within the communities?
To what extent can gun control legislation effect the current situations of insecurity in the communities?
In your own opinion, what are the possible issues of great concern within the communities that gun control legislation will reverse their trends?

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The above are the questions that the interviewee should be asked.

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