
Japan Overview

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It has been acknowledged that for the nations which are dependent upon elevated indexes of electrical power generation that electrical energy generation from nuclear technology has become a strategic and economic irequisite. The characteristic of nuclear energy electrical generation facilities is that the capital expense which is invested in their construction for their construction can be recuperated with a relatively short period of time (Zhang 1215).

Consequently, nuclear energy is able to provide electrical energy for Japan without the reliance on imported fossil fuels for the generation of electricity. Many of the nuclear reactors in Japan have been removed from service. The remaining nuclear power plants which are in operation in Japan are the ?I 3 and 4 nuclear energy reactors. Japan has the requisite of importing approximately 84% of its energy requisites. Japan”s fifty primary nuclear energy reactors supply thirty percent of Japan”s energy requisites. This aspect is anticipated to increase ten percent over the next four years. In the year 2100, nuclear power generation facilities are anticipated to produce sixty percent of Japan energy needs. Japan is the unique non weapons nation which produces nuclear energy (WNA 111).

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A novel conservation policy in Japan has been placed into effect. The energy conservation policy which was introduced in May 2006 has the objective of enhancing Japan effective use of energy by 30% for 2030 (Minami: 6). Many perceive that he global fossil fuel reserves will reach points of being depleted. As a result nuclear power electrical energy generation for Japan becomes a requirement. It is of great importance to initiate the development of this form of electrical energy production in order to ensure that Japan can meet its growing electrical power generation needs (Chang 111; Rose 352; Minami: 6).

Nuclear energy provides benefits in the aspect of being more environmentally friendly than the conventional fossil fuel electrical generation facilities. As a result of this characteristic, nuclear power electrical energy generation is destined to become the optimal choice for the fulfillment of the electrical power generation needs of Japan. There are challenges which are linked with the production of electrical energy from nuclear power (Akash 32; Chang 111; Rose 352; Minami: 6).

These challenges are the aspects of the disposal of the nuclear waste which is generated from the nuclear reaction and the disposal of the water which becomes radioactively contaminated as a result of cooling the nuclear energy reactors. Notwithstanding, the production of electrical energy from nuclear power origins has become a very popular option and the solutions to the waste disposal problems of the electrical energy generation from nuclear energy will be encountered (Akash 32; Chang 111, Rose 355).

The technological perspectives for the hazard free and extended term disposal of the elevated index of radioactivity in the nuclear power electrical generation plants have been review. One of the potential solutions to this challenge incorporates the implementation of profound geological disposal sites (Macfarlane 8; Burger 13). In the future, reactor designs which are fundamentally novel may need to be encountered which are based upon new and innovated architecture. These novel nuclear reactor designs may apply the radioactive by products which are produced as a result of the production of nuclear waste as fuel which is applied toward the generation of more energy. This form of transmutation of the nuclear power plants” radioactive by products would transform the nuclear radioactive waste into a more environmentally friendly option which has a diminished radioactive life (Sims: 1318, Chang 111).

The primary nuclear reactor manufacturers have now produced reactors which have been modified. These nuclear reactors can be applied for the large scale generation of electrical energy and have augmented indexes of safety and diminished operating expenses. One of the modified nuclear reactor designs which have been proposed is a modular reactor (PBMR) which has a pebble bed aspect (Du Toit 77). The basic idea of the architecture was to realize a nuclear energy power electrical power generation facility which possessed no physical procedures which could be the causal attribute of a radiation hazard in the exterior perimeters of the nuclear energy production facilities boundary. The potential of nuclear material core dissipation is zero (Du Toit 78).

The capital expense of the construction of the development of ten units of 1000MWcwas ascertained to be in the proximity of $1000- $1200 / kWc. This capital construction expense would ensure that the construction of nuclear power electrical energy generation facilities would be less expensive than the other electrical power generation facility architectures in addition to novel hazard free aspects (Sims 1320).

The nuclear power electrical energy generation facility would be a base load depot which has a period of depreciation of two decades. Considering a 10% discount index, the anticipated expense of the generation of electrical power would be $0.2/ kWh. This expense would incorporate the comprehensive fuel cycle and the expense of decommisioning the nuclear power electrical generation facility (Du Toit 78). These expenses are minimal in comparison to the conventional nuclear energies and are the outcome of engineering innovation. Notwithstanding, there are other evaluations which calculate the electrical power generation expense for a nuclear power electrical energy generation facility to be in the vicinity of $.04/ KWh. (Rycroft 021306).

The augmented production and the lifetime of the presently operating nuclear energy electrical energy generation facilties have the aspect of zero expenses green house gas emissions. The nuclear energy electrical power generation facilities are avoidant in the aspect of green house gas emissions and can result in an accrual of contributing six hundred metric tons per year of carbon emissions into the environment in comparison with fossil fuel electrical generation facilities. Notwithstanding, the present market climate, the novel nuclear power energy facilities are options which present a minimal expense alternative in nations such as Japan which have limited resources of fossil fuels and possess significant distances between the points of electrical energy consumption and electrical energy generation (Chang 111, WNA 1).

The generation of nuclear power electrical energy is a necessity for Japan. The innovative technologies which have been applied in the manufacture of the PBMR reactors have demonstrated that the reactors are able to operate hazard free. In addition, the nuclear waste reclamation and disposal technologies are providing more effective disposal for the nuclear by products which are result of nuclear power electrical generation facilities.

  • Akash, Akash, Rumstom Mamalook & Mousa S. Mohsen. “Multicriteria selection of electrical power plant using analytic hierarchy process.” Electrical Power Systems Research 52.29(1999): 29- 35.
  • Burger, Joanna. “Environmental management: integrating ecological evaluation, remediation, restoration, natural resource damage assessment and long- term stewardship on contaminated lands.” Science of the Total Environment 400.1(2008): 6- 19.
  • Chang, Jongwa et al. “A study of a nuclear hydrogen production demonstration plant.” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 39.2 (2007):111.
  • Chang, Jongwa et al. “A study of a nuclear hydrogen production demonstration plant.” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 39.2 (2007):111.
  • Macfarlane, Allison and Rodney C. Ewing eds. Uncertainty Underground Yucca Mountain and the Nation”s High Level Nuclear Waste. The MIT Press, 2006. Print.

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