
Johnson & Johnson Marketing Campaign

920 words | 4 page(s)

There are a number of different social media platforms that a company like Johnson & Johnson can use to market their products. The company is already widely regarded in the medical community and among laypeople because of its success with products such as child safe shampoos that claim to be “No More Tears”. Marketing efforts like this, predating the social media craze of the 2010s, allowed the company to secure a foothold in a highly competitive market. Thanks to these marketing efforts, Johnson & Johnson already possesses a very strong brand, with most households instantly recognizing the name and being at least marginally familiar with the products that they offer. Therefore it must be asked, what can social media do to further promote such a brand?

The answer is that social media can target microscopic demographics in a way that mainstream media simply cannot. Using Facebook, for instance, one can specifically target the age, religion, career, and any other demographic factor that a marketing team may want. This means that the ads that are seen by twenty-something computer programmers can be totally different than the ads seen by forty-five year old tractor supply company cashiers. By targeting hyper-specific demographics, companies can spend less money and get far more focused advertising, selling the exact qualities a person is interested in without too much overlap. For these reasons, Facebook is a social media platform that will deserve significant attention (Packer, 2011).

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Facebook rose to prominence in the early 2010s because of its ability to connect users in a friendly and easy environment. It was not just popular with young people either, many older people used it to connect with long lost friends, school mates, and family. This contributed to Facebook’s incredible growth and helped it become a haven for advertisers looking for new and innovative ways to get their products in front of consumers. Facebook is still an ideal social media platform for advertising because the ads can be targeted to very specific groups. This is something that Johnson & Johnson would specifically benefit from because they have a range of products and not all of the products are going to be good for all of their consumers. Instead they need to be able to connect a specific product with a specific user and Facebook is a great social media network to use for this.

Another social media outlet that employs advertisements is Twitter. Twitter too can be very useful for a company like Johnson & Johnson because it is based around users sharing discussion of their common interests. This allows for thorough and sophisticated demographic targeting, as ads can be specified to people based on what they have tweeted about. Johnson & Johnson can use this to focus shampoo products on those who tweet about washing their hair or struggling with red eye syndrome as a result of their shampoo. By focusing on those who regularly micro blog about problems that Johnson & Johnson is able to solve, the company can advertise its products to the demographics most likely to be persuaded into buying a product to alleviate the issue. Johnson & Johnson also creates a number of products specifically for use by professionals in the medical community and can use Twitter to target those as well.

By using demographic targeting (readily available with the application of social media) the company is able to establish its brand with younger generations and with targeted markets of consumers. Instead of the old methodology, which involved a wide net and a lot of missed opportunities, social media marketing allows for a more sophisticated procedure and therefore a better end result (Tuten & Solomon, 2014). All of this information helps to determine what type of social media campaign Johnson & Johnson should use. In order to be effective, the company should aim to implement targeted campaigning on both Facebook and Twitter, specifying key demographics that are less familiar with Johnson & Johnson and are more likely to buy products.

The campaign for Johnson & Johnson will be two pronged. The first element will involve reaching out to Twitter and Facebook to begin campaigns. These will be targeted to two primary groups: those who shampoo their hair and those who are in the medical profession. By aiming for two separate but equal groups, the company can widen its net while still retaining the type of targeting necessary to ensure sales. As the company’s primary goal at all times is to expand its name recognition, this effort aligns perfectly with its main efforts. A campaign to advertise the qualities of their medical and shampoo products to the consumers most interested in these things will likely benefit the company significantly, as its core consumer base will be able to get connected with the products that they are the most interested in.

Johnson & Johnson has made a name for itself through careful marketing of strong products. It has grown steadily to become a stalwart competitor and a household name. In order to perpetuate this quality, the company will have to work to organize its technical qualities and sell them to new audiences. The most apt methodological approach to this is to engage in social media marketing. By following the aforementioned campaign, specifically utilizing Facebook and Twitter for viral marketing endeavors, the company will be able to reach new fans. These fans will help to spread the message organically through the same social media platforms.

  • Tuten, T. L., & Solomon, M. R. (2014). Social media marketing. Sage.
  • Packer, R. (2011). Social media marketing. The Art of Conversational Sales. WSI.

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