
Lean Construction Principles

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Lean construction principles grew from lean management principles in the production and manufacturing sector. Lean construction using design-build has been studied extensively in academic literature. This research will explore the most recent trends in lean construction research and will suggest new topics that need to be explored in future research studies in order to fill in the knowledge base in the area of lean construction with design-build.

Design-build is the arena of architects and engineers. The design phase takes place long before the construction phase begins. Lean construction and design-build is being applied to many different sectors the market. It is expected that design-build will represent 50% of nonresidential construction projects by the year 2015 (Becker, Shane, & Jalselskis, 2012).

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The design-build method is often referred to as integrated project delivery (Tyler, 2010). The design-build system is one in which a single builder accepts responsibility for the entire project from start to finish. Over the years, this method was replaced by the design-bid-build process. Using this method various contractors were responsible for their phase of the project, and the building owner took on full responsibility for the outcome of the project (Tyler, 2010).

No single party was responsible and when contractors did not perform as required, it could cause a wave of lawsuits that resulted delays in project completion. This system is not in alignment with the idea of lean construction. The design-build type of project transfers responsibility to a single entity. This entity has a view of the overall project and can make any changes that become necessary throughout the process. A comparative study of design-bid-build versus design-build techniques.

Lean construction is not the same as design-build, but they do have several overlapping contractual elements (Becker, Shane, & Jalselskis, 2012). A comparative analysis of common contractual elements between lean construction and design-build found many overlapping elements, but also several elements that were unique to each design philosophy (Becker, Shane, & Jalselskis, 2012). This study highlighted the differences and similarities between lean construction and design-build. Both of these methods are projected to be used more in the future. Currently, the contractual differences in these two techniques make them difficult to combine. This research will focus on combining the two types of construction agreements in a way that produced the greatest positive outcome. It will focus on furthering the work of Becker, Shane, & Jalselskis, (2012) by further exploring the differences between lean construction and design build.

The future of the construction industry lies in combining popular techniques of lean construction with design-build. This research will explore the best methodology for combining lean construction with design build and reconciling the differences between the two. The goal of the research will be to devise a method that reflects both lean construction and design-build. The research may also explore other forms of construction project management such as construction manager at risk, construction manager as agent, and design-bid-build approach to gain greater clarity on what design-build entails.

The purpose of the research will be to understand and reconcile the points of difference between lean construction and design-build. Both of these methods have the potential to be combined into a highly effective method. The title for the proposed research will be, “Combining lean construction and design-build into a new approach to future construction projects”. This research will shed light on the development of new approaches to construction management.

  • Becker, T., Shane, J., & Jalselskis, E. (2012). Comparative Analysis of Lean Construction with Design Build Using a Framework of Contractual Forms of Agreement. Journal of Architectural Engineering. 18: 187-191.
  • Tyler, P. (2010, October 31). Why design-build is turning heads. Healthcare Design. Retrieved 28 June 2014 from http://www.healthcaredesignmagazine.com/article/why-design-build-turning-heads

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