
Living in a Dormitory as a Freshman

890 words | 3 page(s)

Freshmen are confronted with many choices when they start college. Perhaps the most important of those choices is where they should live. Some colleges forces students to live on campus for the first year because they want students to get to know the area. Others give their students the choice about where to live. Living in a dormitory as a freshman is the right decisions for new students because it puts them closer to class, allows them to meet people, and provides some structure while students are adjusting to college life.

One of the challenges for students is to learn how to go to class on their own. In high school, students are often taken to school by their parents. If they do not go to school, they might get in trouble with the school, with their parents, or even with the police. What this means is that students have every reason to go to class, and they are not really required to motivate themselves. Things are much different in college. On the first day, students find out that they do not even have to attend every class. Some teachers have no attendance policy and post all of the material online anyway. Students could just sit at home and read the notes the next day without ever going to class. When students live in a dorm, they are closer to their classes. On those days when they might not feel like getting into a car, they can walk right down to their classes and get all of the education that they need. This also helps on those days when the weather might not be good. When it is really cold, really hot, or raining, a student is much more likely to go to class if that student lives right in the dorm.

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College can be a hard adjustment time because a student is required to make new friends. Even if a student goes to a college where lots of his friends are going, the student will still need to be social and form some friendships during that first few months. Living in a dorm gives students access to immediate friends. People on dorm halls often play games together and go out together. With this in mind, a student who chooses to live in the dorms can then meet new people who might know the other people in the dorms. For a person who does not live in a dorm, it will be much more difficult and expensive to meet friends. That person might have to join clubs around campus or even join a fraternity or sorority. On the dorm hall, the friends are right there. They can turn into study buddies or they might even be people to support a student during the tough times that happen during the first year of college. In this way, a dorm can provide the type of experience that a simple apartment can never match.

It also makes sense to live in a dorm because a dorm provides a ton of structure for students. There are RAs who can watch the students a little bit and make sure that they do not get into too much trouble. On top of that, a dorm setting will ensure that students do not get too wild during their first year. It might be tempting to drink or do other things during the first year, and students can find themselves in a lot of trouble if they get involved in that stuff. A dorm will provide the kind of structure that can keep students focused on their studies. For students who are not used to setting limits for themselves, this is a very important service offered by the typical dorm setting.

Lastly, a dorm will usually be cheaper than finding a house or apartment. In cities, dorms are almost always cheaper than finding an apartment. Even in college towns, there are big savings to living on campus. Students drive less, so they spend less on gas. They also might not need to buy a parking pass if they live in a dorm during the first year. Lastly, dorms themselves typically have cheaper rent than what one might pay out on the open market. They can also be covered by student aid, including loans, grants, or scholarships. With the rising cost of college, students would be wise to do everything possible to keep their costs down. Living in a dorm is a big step toward that, and it is something that any smart student will consider.

There are lots of options that a person has when he or she starts college. While it might be tempting to want to live away from college, staying in a dorm during the first year is the best idea for all students. The dorm will make it easier for students to get to class or get to the library in order to study. In addition, being in a dorm will provide motivation on those days when getting in the car seems like too much. Likewise, dorms provide the opportunity for students to meet up with other students during those early weeks. When you add in the structure of the dorms, the supervision, and the cost, it becomes clear why all students should live in a dorm during their first year away at college.

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