
Marginalization And Inequality

337 words | 2 page(s)

Marginality is one of the major experience that is affecting many people across the world. Being unemployed, discriminated against, poor, or being disabled in the society brings in the risk of being marginalized (Kloos, 2011). Being excluded from social, economic, and political means of encouraging self-determination of an individual can have adverse impacts for communities and individuals across the globe. Community psychology has a history of addressing issues that are related to marginalization and inequality in the society.

Marginalization and inequality is a slippery as well as multi-layered concept. Various societies can suffer Marginalization and inequality at the global level. People experiencing marginalization and inequality are most likely to contain a tenuous involvement in the economy. There sources of income vary (Kloos, 2011). Community psychology can be specifically well applied to address the challenges of marginalization and inequality in various constructive ways. The first step of community psychology involves its rejection to restrict itself to personal level and also to attribute the social issue to pathology associated by the victims. Moreover, community psychology can critically use the concepts from the psychology of people in order to understand the processes that dominate and penetrate marginalized people.

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Community psychology avoids two complimentary mistakes. The first one is the individualization of the social and economic issues and the ignorance of subjective experience of social actors (Price, 1995). Taking into consideration a transactional view that sees relational, personal and societal planes as interdependent, interrelated, and of same significance, a critical community psychology can equip itself in working on many issues of marginalization and inequality at the same time. Community psychologists can extend their work to regional or global policy development, the training of professional as well as educating the disabled people together with their families, facilitating interagency work, exposure of unequal access to social institutions, and facilitation of community development and organizational change can help in ensuring equality of everyone in the society.

  • Kloos, B. (2011). Community Psychology: Linking Individuals and Communities. Cengage Learning
  • Price. T. (1995). Foundations of Social Inequality. Springer Science & Business Media

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