
Marijuana Being Legal for Medical Reasons

300 words | 2 page(s)

Personally, I have little knowledge on marijuana being used for medical purpose. In order to be for or against, I first must discover what is medical marihuana. Structuring the opinion involves critical assessment of information. Therefore, I need to find out what medical marihuana is and how it is used to state my opinion.

The chemicals in marihuana called cannabinoids is used in two medications in the pill form. The scientific proof encourages people to claim the use of this medication in spite of the notorious fame of the weed. More and more states legalize marijuana for medical use.

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Placed on the scales of benefits and risks, cannabinoids got under the focus of numerous researches. However, the scale of the participants and studies is not enough to meet the FDA requirements. The bio-chemical nature of extracts has several benefits. THC raises appetite and reduces nausea making these features the basis of FDA-approved medications. This extract is also prescribed to treat pain, light inflammation, and problems related to muscle control. CBD has not shown any relation to mental or behavior change. The medicines based on this extract also treat pain and inflammation as well as epilepsy, mental illness, and even addictions.

The medical researchers and practitioners draw a growing tendency of the use of cannabinoids with extension of extracts and application. The projections build up the hypotheses that cannabinoids have a potential to kill certain cancer cells and fight some other diseases.

With respect to a growing treating potential, legalization of cannabinoids refers only to legalization of medical supplies and should not extend to the plant itself. Growing plants for individual treating purposes or possessing marijuana should be prohibited. Moreover, in order to control the abuse and fraud, there should a strict prescription process for those who really need the substance.

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