
Marjane Satrapi

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Marjane Satrapi is a French novelist who was born in Iran in 1969. Satrapi is famous for her work in as a brilliant graphic novelist, film director, illustrators and an author of children books. She was born of parents who were highly regarded in the Iranian society for their high level of academic proficiency. Her parents were subjected to massive political activities and her early life was exposed to a lot of political brutalities from various regimes in the Iranian society. Some of the challenges that she went through in her early and youth experiences include experiences of political and social persecutions characterized with arrest, imprisonment and murder of friends and family members. Her parents were highly concerned about her comfort and academic proficiency and they took her to Vienna for her high school studies. She suffered from chronic pneumonia in Vienna and as result she came back to Iran where she continues with her studies. She was bale able to attend visual communication education in Tehran acquired in the University of Islamic Azad. She studies and acquired master’s degree education at the university.

At 22, she got engaged and married to a veteran, Reza, but they divorced after three years and then she moved to France in Strasbourg where she got married to a swede known as Mattias Ripa. Her professional achievements were motivated by David Beauchard, French artist who was her teacher and mentor. Her graphical autobiographical novels were very instrumental towards introducing her to the world of fame. She has also been involved in various animated films where she has performed very well. Her involvement in the Iranian elections has also been very critical in her personal achievements. As a result, she has been nominated in various awards. Her novel, “Chicken with Plums,” assisted her to be appreciated as the winner of the Angouleme Album of the Year Awards.

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