
Market Analysis and Demographics in Illionois

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Wannebego County, Illinois
The demographic statistical data pertaining to Illinois within the Winnebago County spreadsheet is reflective of a population that is spread just about even between male (49%) and female (51%) with Winnebago County falling just below the male (48.8%) statistical average for Illinois and just above the female (51.2%) statistical average for Illinois. Winnebago is a proxy with regard to the state of Illinois statistical data pertaining to conditional variables that individually correlate to the male and female population, such as sexually transmitted disease statistics. In such a case, the spreadsheet containing the data for Illinois and Winnebago County provide the most approximate to the State of Illinois male to female ratio figures.

The raw figures show that although approximately a 6,800 population difference exists between the male and female population in Winnebago County, for the State of Illinois, the difference between the male and female population is 245,000, which indicates that for every unit of Winnebago County population difference increase or decrease at the margin will equate to an increase or decrease of 36 within the State of Illinois. This is to say that if the difference between the male and female population in Winnebago County rises by 1 unit, meaning one additional female moves into Winnebago County and there is no change in the male population, which is statistically unlikely given the tight population parameter, then the State of Illinois will experience a rise of 36 additional females to keep up with the statistical change in trend growth.

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Winnebago County statistically shows a large working population as the age demographic shows that the County is statistically populated by a working age population primarily at the peak earning years as the highest percentage of 14.9% is at the 45 to 54 year old age demographic which is statistically where members of society whose incomes have reached peak earnings. Given the age of the demographic within the County, 78% of the homes are owner occupied with 68.7% of the homes within Illinois showing owner occupation. However, the size of the household in Winnebago County is statistically smaller than of the State of Illinois with a size of 2.68 and 2.72, respectively. The housing stock within the County was built primarily for larger families, as the three bedroom dwelling is 43% of the housing market whereas in the State of Illinois 3 bedroom dwellings are about 37% of the housing market.

The growth strategy for Winnebago County seemed to be predicated on the development of the three bedroom dwelling as the two bedroom dwelling is statistically insignificant in difference between the State with the one bedroom market falling below the State availability at 9.5% and 11.5%, respectively. The four and five bedroom dwellings also fall below the state availability of dwelling stock as well with Winnebago County stocking 14% & 3% of 4 bedroom & 5 bedroom dwellings, respectively, compared to the State with 16% and 4% of 4 bedroom and 5 bedroom housing stock, respectively. However the data for total housing units by total room availability, to include bedrooms as well, showed that Winnebago led or at least tied the State availability for housing stock with 4 bedrooms or more. Winnebago County is a designated family County to enable family growth and a life away from a major industrial center.

Such planning and development likely occurred just after the baby boom and expansion away from U.S. cities as the number of housing units built within Winnebago County reached a three year peak between 1959 and 1979 with an estimated total of 52,116 housing units built over this time period. Additionally, as Winnebago County entered into the 1980s and beyond, the new housing stock outpaced the State growth rate each year. The period from prior to 1050 showed the State of Illinois outpacing Winnebago County, likely pointing to the growth of the cities and the populations of the rural farms which kept counties that did not have large acreage available for farms or that did not contain a city with less housing need. The housing stock in Illinois and in Winnebago County is primarily 1-unit, detached.

The population of Winnebago is above the State rate for adolescents and those in their peak earnings years or the 45-54 aged demographic. The adolescents include the 5 to 9 year old demographic, and the 10 to 14 year old demographic. The State of Illinois however has a greater rate of 20 to 24 year olds, 25 to 34 year olds, and 35 to 44 year olds, than Winnebago County. The data suggests that the children grow up within Winnebago borders and move out by the age of 20, to return by the age of 35 to 54 to raise a family, and then likely remain to retire or move away. The median age in years shows the State of Illinois having a higher median than Winnebago for 18 years and over and 21 years and over however Winnebago County has a higher median for 62 years and over and for 65 years and over. This shows that the median age in years for Winnebago is older in general than the rest of the State. If the median aged date was shown for 18 years and below, the data would likely show that Winnebago has a higher rate of that demographic in comparison to the State of Illinois.

The racial data for the State of Illinois for Whites is statistically higher than for Winnebago County with the percentage of Black or African American higher in Winnebago County than in the State of Illinois. The percentage of Asians is higher in the State of Illinois than in Winnebago County with the percentage of ‘other races’ also higher in the State of Illinois than within Winnebago County. The number of Hispanics in the State of Illinois outpace the number of Hispanics within Winnebago County 15.5% to 10.7%, respectively. Not Hispanic or Latino populations are higher in Winnebago County at 89.3% than in the State of Illinois at 84.5%.

Rockton Village, Illinois
Rockton Village has an interesting aged demographic as well as an interesting male to female ratio in comparison to the State of Illinois. Rockton is a proxy for the female demographic as the percentage as a ratio to the broader female population in the State of Illinois is reflective of the population parameter within Rockton Village, Illinois. The male population in Rockton Village is slightly larger, by .09% than the State of Illinois percentage. The aged demographic in Rockton Village shows an unusually large number of 10 to 14 year olds, which is nearly double the State rate for that aged demographic. The only aged demographics in Rockton that is higher than the State of Illinois rates are the 10 to 14 years old, the 35 to 44 years old, the 60 to 64 years old, the 65 to 74 years old and the 75 to 84 years old.

The median aged demographic shows that the State of Illinois has a higher percentage of 18 years and over (75.5%) and 21 years and over (71.1%) than in Rockton Village, 71% & 68.7%, respectively. Rockton Village however does have a higher median demographic aged 62 and over (17.7%) and 65 years and over (13.3%) than the State of Illinois (15.3%) & (12.4%), respectively. Racially, Rockton Village population is primarily of one race (not mixed) and the race category is White. The State of Illinois has a higher representation of every demographic except for White than does Rockton Village, Illinois. The housing characteristics of Rockton are that the 1-unit detached dwelling makes up 74%, higher than the 58.5% rate for the State of Illinois, of the units in structure as 95% of the units are occupied housing units which are more than for Rockton Village, Illinois.

The total housing units in Rockton Village are mostly built after 1990 as the Village likely saw the increase in population after the 1980s, which indicates Rockton Village is likely a new development that was turned into such a development from what the area was prior given the housing built previously to 1990 was well below the rate of the State of Illinois with only the period from 1970 to 1979 coming the closest though still nearly 4% away from the State of Illinois rate for this same period. The number of rooms in the housing units of Rockton Village have the highest rate at 19.5% for 6 rooms when compared to the State with 18.4% of the housing units having 6 rooms. Rockton Village has the highest percentage of housing with 9 or more rooms at 19.2% indicating perhaps the area is of an Old Victorian setting with many of the larger housing units of such style.

Rockton is also mostly married couples (62.7%) as the rate is higher than the State (49%) with grandparents living with their children for periods of 3 years to 4 years. The children of Rockton Village are enrolled in elementary school (53.8%) at a higher rate than the State (39.6%) and in high school (23.4%) than the State rate (21.2%) with Rockton Village achieving lower rates of college or graduate school enrollment (12.9%) than the State rate (27.4%). On educational attainment, Rockton does better with achievement in lower grades whereas the State does better on educational achievement for college and higher.

Boone County, Illinois
Boone County has the highest proportion of its aged demographic in the 35 to 44 years old range as the under 5 years old through the 15 to 19 years old demographic having a higher proportion of aged population within Boone County than in the State of Illinois. Boone County also has a lower median aged group for all major aged demographics from 18 years and over through 65 years and over, a lower percentage than the State, indicating that more than 50% of the population in Boone falls below the rate of population level for the corresponding age bracket.

The race demographic for Boone County is primarily White (92.3%) with the State rate at (73.6%). Boone County also has a higher rate of Hispanic or Latino and designated Mexican Races, (19.9%) and (18.4%) respectively with the state rates of (15.5%) and (12.3%) respectively. The housing occupancy for Boone County is primarily 1-unit, detached with the largest proportion of available housing units built after 1980, indicating an earlier population explosion and need for housing than Rockton Village, Illinois. The total number of the rooms is primarily 6 rooms or more with 9 rooms or more representing 16.5% of the total housing units. There are no few housing units with fewer than 3 rooms, meaning few to no small cottages available.

The number of bedrooms available in the housing stock of Boone County has a higher proportion available at 3 bedrooms and more to include 4 bedrooms and 5 bedrooms or more. Boone County likely is a farming County with larger acreage available and larger housing structures that incorporate more total rooms and more total bedrooms. The average household however given the size and number of bedrooms of the house is on average 3 with a 2.72 rate for the State of Illinois, indicating a drop off in population since the era the houses were built.

The economics of wage and income related to employment status is rather interesting as Winnebago County is statistically a proxy for the broader State of Illinois macro economy. Approximately 2/3 of Winnebago residents over the age of 16 years are employed in the broader State of Illinois economy or in the more concentric Winnebago County economy. The unemployment rate for Winnebago County is slightly higher, by 1%, than the State of Illinois unemployment rate of 7.2%. Winnebago County also has a similar rate of dual income families as roughly 2/3 of Winnebago County families have two parents in the civilian workforce, with rates statistically proportional to the rate within the broader State of Illinois.

Winnebago County residents tend to commute to work alone, in either a car truck or van at a rate that is 11.1% higher than the rate in the broader State of Illinois. Additionally, Winnebago County residents hardly use public transportation, however a usage rate does suggest that buses do run in Winnebago County and that residents do indeed use public transportation albeit at a very paltry rate in comparison to the broader State of Illinois, which has a public transportation usage rate of 8.8% compared to 1% in Winnebago County, Illinois.

The primary occupation for the civilian employed over 16 years of age is Management, business science and arts (29.8%), followed by sales and office occupations (26.1%). The data suggest that Winnebago County has underwent a sort of renaissance with regard to employment channels as the growth in new economy jobs such as management, business, an d science are approaching the rate of the broader Illinois economy (35.9%), and has outpaced the broader State of Illinois economy in creating sales and office occupations (25.6%). Service occupations & production, transportation, and material jobs in Winnebago County continue to outpace the broader economy with rates of 17.2% to 16.7% & 19.3% to 14.0%, respectively.

Industry statistics for Winnebago County shows strong job growth in manufacturing nearly doubling the pace of manufacturing jobs provided in the broader State of Illinois economy. Retail trade also slightly outpaces the broader Illinois economy by .02% with a rate of 11.1% compared to 10.9%. The State of Illinois however outpaces Winnebago County in every other industry category including agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting and mining, construction, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, and utilities, information technology, and finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing, Professional scientific, and management, and administrative and waste, and educational services, and health care and social assistance, arts, entertainment, and recreation, and public administration. The State of Illinois has a slightly higher percentage of government (12.9%) than the State of Winnebago (10.4%) and slightly less private wage and salary workers (82%) than Winnebago County (84.4%).

Income statistics show that the income for Winnebago County is competitive within the trimmed range of salary range with the State’s broader economy as Winnebago County has slightly higher percentages of households that earn more than the rate within the State of Illinois up to earnings of $74,999 as the State of Illinois has more households earning higher salaries at and above $75,000 than the broader State of Illinois economy. The median household income of the State of Illinois ($56,576) is higher than Winnebago County ($47,597) indicating that although Winnebago County has more households earning above the trimmed range of the income range brackets, the State of Illinois still has more than 50% of its households earning more than households in Winnebago County, likely due to the aggregate number of workers in Winnebago County that earn between $35,000 & $49,000 as the primary income bracket is lower than the primary income bracket of the broader State of Illinois economy and is supported with a higher mean value which points to the higher salaries in the broader State of Illinois economy pulling up the mean earnings value to a point higher than Winnebago County, Illinois.

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