
Medical Marijuana Legalization

957 words | 4 page(s)

Medical marijuana in the United States of America has raised a lot of concern from its legalization to its use in the U.S.A. However, the main concern in this paper is about the marijuana legalization. In my opinion, I don’t think medical marijuana should be legalized. The reason is that; legalization of medical marijuana would amount to the large scale of marijuana in the U.S. in addition, the growth of marijuana will amount to the launch of the black market sale o the marijuana, such that rather than the planned idea of marijuana being used for medical services, it will be used for other services such as drug use. Also, legalization of medical marijuana will enhance the consumption of marijuana by the whole community, such that, even children will get access to the use of marijuana, in the name of medical services and prescription.

Moreover, legalization of medical marijuana will promote the growth of drugs cartels such that, the medical marijuana will be used to cover-up transportation and sale of other drugs.
However, the PBS Frontline documentary has different views about the legalization of medical marijuana. The different views, however, are attributed to the view of various divisions in the state. The various divisions involved include; business oriented individuals, the medical field, and the federal government. The other part of the paper will address what the documentary states on the ideas of the various divisions; hence understand each and every idea of the medical marijuana legalization.

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Role of the government on the marijuana issue in California
According to the PBS Frontline documentary, the main state that the marijuana issue has been addressed is California The government has addressed the marijuana issue seeing that; when the marijuana is phrased as medical, a large number of growers have flocked the California local market to venture into the business. The main role that the government plays in the marijuana issue in California is the observation of the medical weed legalization such that the government conducts the search of how the legalization takes place and argues out whether the medical marijuana should be legalized. Also, the legalization of marijuana has brought about the increase of investors in the field, who come from far as other neighboring states. The growth of marijuana hence has influenced crime in the state, such that drugs cartel such as the Mexican cartels have gone beyond boundaries. They employ armed gunmen to guard their farms that have led to their killings by the relevant authorities such as the S.W.A.T. due to these occurrences; the government views marijuana as a way of promoting the black market of marijuana as drugs hence seeing marijuana as illegal. However, there are registrations of marijuana growers by the local government. The farmers are given legal documents and their plants tagged with strips to show that they are approved as medical marijuana. Nevertheless, the state government neither credits the growth of marijuana, nor denies its legalization due to the registrations that take place, hence hindering its goals of making marijuana illegal.

Business role on the marijuana issue
Businesses view marijuana as a business venture that would amount to a large amount of revenue (pbs.org n.d). According to the documentary, there have been trading shows for marijuana where every kind of marijuana smoking items cannabis baked cakes, weed cookies, and drinks. The main business concern is to have the medical marijuana legalized such that there will be the creation of its business in the market (The Pot Republic, n.p). Also, the businesspeople believe that marijuana will enhance the creation of new businesses that are cannabis-oriented hence creation of various money making projects. According to various businesspeople in the documentary, marijuana will enhance the creation of companies, medical referral centers and hence influence the industrial pot production in the country. They estimate the legalization of the medical marijuana revenue to amount to $8,000,000. The bottom-line of the business men concern about the marijuana issue is; legalization of the marijuana, creation new business opportunities and generation of revenue hence creation of large and wide marijuana-related investments.

Nonprofits concern on marijuana
The main role of the nonprofits on marijuana is the creation of employment from the growth of marijuana. According to the documentary, the nonprofits are defined as the farms and dispensaries. Addressing the farms side, the main concern of the marijuana is its legalization such that the growers of the plant can be doing it according to the law. Also, the farmers want the legalization to be a channel for their pot distribution such that; during the conveying of their baggage to their clients, they will not encounter pullovers by police officers. Also, they enhance the legalization such that they register their plants and pay a fee for the plants infection and registration. The dispensaries main concern is to have the medical marijuana legalized hence allow them to obtain marijuana from the farmer and also grow them on their organic farms. The dispensaries believe that the medical marijuana will help address the issue of drug mentally challenged individuals hence mitigate their state.

Opinion change
After watching the documentary, my opinion remains the same. As earlier said in the first paragraph, my opinion is never to legalize the medical marijuana. The fact remains; marijuana is one of the most profitable narcotics in the world. Also, the legalizing of medical marijuana will prevent regulation of illegal marijuana. The regulation will be affected such that, there will be no means to determine legalized marijuana for medical use, or normal marijuana for drug use.

  • The Pot Republic. Inside the Country’s oldest, Largest and Most Open Marijuana Market- Carlifornia. Frontline. retrieved November 9, 2015, From http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/the-pot-republic/

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