
Migration from IPv4 to IPv6

345 words | 2 page(s)

An IP address is a standard that describes the number that uniquely identifies a computer to the internet. The IP address determines whether any information or request that is sent over the internet is granted permission by the routers switches and other computers. These scrutinize the data packets that the switches carry before directing them to their eventual destinations. There are addressing standards that are in use in the world today, IPv4, which is the most common and has full support across the internet. There is a newer standard known as IPv6 that is slowly replacing the IPv4 in the market today (Shankland, 2011).

The standard that is called Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the one that governs how data is sent across the internet. This address usually consists of 4 bytes (32 bits) unlike the newer version that has 16 bytes (128 bits). According to the central Net authorities, the last batches of the IPv4 addresses have been given out, and thus they are becoming scarce. This will have to prompt the networking world to move to the new IPv6. This is a challenge that affects all the internet users across all level (Shankland, 2011).

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The problem with the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is that the two are not compatible. If an individual is with a computer that is assigned one of these addresses, he cannot get permission to access other servers and computers with the other address. Another prevalent challenge with the IPv6 is that it has never been upgraded since when it came forth over a decade ago. It also needs a lot of memory with the computers (Shankland, 2011).

Though the transition is eminent, IPv6 may not be a mature standard as IPv4. This is because of the security concerns that may be attached to it. The hardware and software issues that accompany it are also something to worry. Its compatibility with IPv4 is also very crucial in ensuring that the transition is smooth.

  • Shankland, S. (2011). Moving to IPv6: Now for the Hard Part. Retrieved from http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20030482-264.html. On Feb 11, 2013.

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