Dave Andrusko’s article “Remembering When Mother Teresa Left Hillary Clinton in Stunned Silence on Abortion” offers readers a look into the pro-life website LifeNews’ archives. The article is an op-ed by Andrusko that begins with a sly jab at former President Barack Obama. The author goes on to give a quote from Mother Teresa on the topic of abortion. Mother Teresa’spoint of view is that abortion is murder and if mother’s are allowed to murder their children, then how can it be argued that other people should not kill one another, too. Her message is one of giving. In this sense, giving is not about just giving life. No, giving is more than that. Giving is about giving help, sacrificing one’s self to help another, giving free time, giving respect to life, and giving love. Mother Teresa argues that abortion is anti-love.
The author goes on to criticize Hillary Clinton’s pragmatism and scolds her for offering a neutral observation, “All religions have their version of the Golden Rule and direct us to love our neighbor and welcome the stranger and visit the prisoner,” calling the utterance “foolish” (Andrusko, 2016). Andrusko never offers a legitimate quote by Clinton specifically on the topic of abortion, only mentioning that her husband, Bill Clinton, is pro-abortion and that both of them did not applaud Mother Teresa after her speech.
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"Mother Theresa On Abortion".
Personally, I feel like the article was very slanted and did not represent the breadth of the abortion argument. Mother Teresa offers a lot of insight on love, and it is very important to act in a giving and loving way towards the outside world. However, when it comes to abortion, the waters grow a bit murkier. The world is not so black and white that one can say all abortion is bad. To say such a thing is simply a representation of underlying moral opinions.
- Andrusko, D. (2016, March 21). Remembering When Mother Teresa Left Hillary Clinton in Stunned Silence on Abortion. Retrieved from http://www.lifenews.com/2016/03/16/remembering-when-mother-teresa-left-hillary-clinton-in-stunned-silence-on-abortion/