
Museums Analysis

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Starting a museum today is faced with a lot of challenges that responsible personnel and the entire workforce in a company ought to recognize. Recently it has been evident that most of these museums do not struggle to compete against themselves. This is because most of these premises do not generate a huge revenue thus making it less competitive economicwise. Museums are meant to preserve the cultures and to maintain the native cultures that have already been formed by other people. This industrial rivalry issue is one of the problems facing the contemporary museums and also facing the future museums at large. Coming up with a new museum in this economy is like producing an already existing product and selling it to the same clients and expecting a huge lump sum of return in the long run. This is close to impossible despite the fact that there are chances that the museum could thrive better in this economy.

In another instance, the main threat that museums often face is the threat of substitutes which is mainly brought about by the possibility that some museums can be creative enough to substitute the manner of the products being showcased. The Windows Wear museum is very lucky since it is the one presenting this threat to other museums. It intends to revolutionize the museums and produce a product that it only has access to. This move will force the museums to step up their game in a major way. And if the museums change their ways of presentation, they are most likely to bring about a very great impact on the museum experience. Therefore, it is true to note that if Windows Wear continues with the same efforts, it will continue to be on the top of the food chain and continue to attract more clients to their museum due to its uniqueness (Alpay).

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The future of Windows Wear Company if it continues with the same pursuit is still bright enough. The major step that the company will use is to outdo the competitors is to used their policies with barriers. This means that they will set barriers to their competitors such that they cannot copy anything about their museum and thus maintaining the authenticity. Establishing an image for themselves as well as their customer loyalty. Customer loyalty here will help the company increase its revenue since, despite the fact that there would be new entrants into the market, it will already be having its loyal customers.

The above explanations depict that Window Wear company can stand a better chance if they stick to bringing a new product to the museum market. Therefore, following this analysis, it is evident that if Window Wear Company decides to start a museum as at now, they will greatly benefit. This is because most of the plans that they already have in play are fundamental to the success of the museum if in any case, they get to establish it (Beers). Their business strategies and plans will be for the exhibit they are planning to start. Besides, despite the fact that some of the external environmental factors might come up in the future, it is also evident that the museum will be sufficient enough to sustain and withstand the challenges.

In conclusion, it is advisable therefore that Window Wear Company starts their museum. The company is ranked among the world’s greatest fashion display database. Therefore introducing a museum will enhance their fame and will showcase their products and gain more customers. Therefore, the best recommendation is that they should start their museum so as to enhance their fame and hence retain their customers in the process.

  • Alpay, Savas. Trade and the Environment: Analysis of Reciprocal Interactions. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. Print.
  • Beers, Cees . Determinants of Innovative Behaviour: A Firm’s Internal Practices and Its External Environment. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Print.

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