
Oedipus the King and the Motif of Sight

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In Oedipus, Sophocles uses the motif of sight to show that there is a major difference between having one’s eyesight and having the ability to see the truth about life and about one’s self. The author makes clear, time and again, that simply being able to see does not guarantee that a person can actually peer into the truth. He does so with the example of his title character Oedipus, and he does so through a host of other characters in the work, as well.

During the early part of the play, Teiresias, a blind prophet, comes onto the stage. While it is clear that he cannot see in the traditional sense, he is able to see the truth about Oedipus. This is the first time the author demonstrates this clear motif.

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Another example of this motif is seen later in the play, when Oedipus decides to stab his own eyes. He has finally been let in on the truth about his life, but the truth is too much to bear. Sophocles has him remove his own eyes to show that Oedipus is frustrated by not being able to see the truth despite being able to see everything else

One particular quote shows that even those people who see are not able to see the truth closest to them. Sophocles has Teiresias say, ‘So, you mock my blindness? Let me tell you this. You with your precious eyes, you’re blind to the corruption of your life, to the house you live in” (Sophocles). This shows that sometimes the people who are unable to look outward can look inward.

Lastly, the author shows that seeing truth is more important than seeing from one’s eyes. He has Oedipus say, ‘What good were eyes to me?’Nothing I could see could bring me joy’ (Sophocles). This shows that the value of sight is often overrated, while the value of being able to see truth is something that individuals should value.

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