
Office Memo For Use Of Internet

348 words | 2 page(s)

The company management would like to inform all company employees about the rules pertaining to online correspondence. Below, the most important points are addressed in regard to sending and receiving messages and documents via email.

First of all, it is key that all confidentiality rules are followed. All online correspondence which deals with company operations and professional duties must be administered via the official company email. It is unacceptable to send company material, confidential documents, and any other type of material via personal email.

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Second, when it comes to using the official company email, the following rules apply. Before sending any information, one must ensure that this information can be lawfully shared with the other party. Furthermore, all employees are prohibited from sending documents and information marked as ‘strictly confidential’ via email. While our email system is highly protected, it is best to keep strictly confidential information out of the online correspondence pool.

What about documentation and information that is marked ‘confidential’? This type of information can be sent via the official company email to approved parties. However, the sender must ensure that the recipient’s email has been entered correctly. Every employee must double-check all information being sent in the email and attachments.

In extreme cases (which should be avoided at all costs), if an email has been sent to the wrong recipient, an option has been reserved in the system. This option allows to delete the email in the recipient’s mail box. However, there is no guarantee that the option will work in 100% of cases (it depends on the email provider of the recipient). How to access this option? In ‘Sent Emails’ open the email which was just sent to the wrong recipient; next to the ‘Forward’ button you will see the ‘Options’ button. Click on it and choose ‘Retrieve Email’. Once again, please avoid using this option at all costs, since consequences will ensue for violating the confidentiality agreement.

Thus, we ask you to be attentive with all of your emails and to ensure that all confidentiality measures are followed strictly.

Thank you,
Board of Directors

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