
Overcoming Challenges to Value Realization

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The implementation of Health Information Systems (HIS) requires strategic planning and organizational changes that come with implementing these systems. It is therefore important for a health organization to look for a system that can add to their value proposition because it is important for the administrators to get the most value out of their capital investments. To achieve this goal, it is essential to identify the factors that can lead to the reduction of value proposition associated with acquiring and implementing these strategies.

Poor planning can diminish the value proposition or return from any organization or investment (Sheik, Sood, & Bates, 2015). Lack of organizational self-awareness, responsiveness and competency can diminish attempts to increase value associated with health information systems. This is known as organizational inertia associated with complicated organizational hierarchies and large size of organizations as is most common with health organizations or systems (Smith et al, 2014). Most team members may be hesitant to implement this novel technology since it may challenge their rationale, the positions they hold in the system or rise general organization concern. From our scenario, the chief nursing officers complain that not all their staff members are tech savvy and thus they would feel intimidated by the new system.

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They also complain about how process of implementing the new system is a nightmare. The management should informed that these obstacles are in existence and that their resolve is bound to hamper the efficacy and success of the technological advances (Palojoki et al, 2016). Therefore, they should conduct surveys to find out how the management perceives the new system and what they find more suitable for their use. This is to prepare the organizational staff for major change by investing in the change management (Smith et al, 2014). They can also establish programs that enhance participation and perceived ownership of the program and start training programs to charge work flow and process. This can also be addressed by continuously monitoring and addressing the user’s concerns. .

The cost of the healthcare information systems can also lead to diminishing value proposition (Alder-Milstein et al, 2015). The lack of financial support for implementing these systems is considered as a barrier to increasing value proposition associated with IT and IS. The financial burden of acquisition depends on the size of organization and its readiness for conversion (Palojoki et al, 2016). In the given scenario, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) says that it will be costly to implement a new information system considering they will be doing it in all their facilities. He thinks that it is not the right time to implement it due to the high costs involved. The cost of putting up with the advancements that come with the HIS can also act as a diminishing factor. This can lead to making the whole project less profitable and thus taking away the interest of the administrators or stakeholders (Alder-Milstein et al, 2015). To do away with this barrier, there should be good leadership, and a long term commitment from the staff toward improving and documenting healthcare processes. This can be solved by the management looking for an information system that costs them less to implement and one where the advantages surpass the cost risk of putting it into place (Kruse, Regier & Rheinboldt, 2014).

Another barrier could be the technical challenges that come with implementing healthcare information systems. If this issue is not addressed it can lead to the healthcare organization experiencing significant challenges in the future and putting them behind their competition (Palojoki et al, 2016). This would in turn diminish their value proposition. This issue is addressed in the scenario when the chief nursing officers point out the hassle that comes with implementing a new system including system crashes and constant errors. Therefore, there is need to come up with strategies that help solve this problem. The management should always be on the outlook of in fixing these logical errors to avoid them materializing into big problems (Kruse, Regier & Rheinboldt, 2014). It is important that all these issues are addressed and identified before the managements agrees upon an Information system. The key towards a successful IS is for its production quality to be efficient and polished. This in addition to strong business logic will contribute highly to the increase in value proposition of the Healthcare Information System (Sheikh, Sood, & Bates, 2015).

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