
Peculiarities Of Emotional Intelligence

595 words | 2 page(s)

To begin with, emotional intelligence can be defined as an ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. While some scientists tent to believe that people are born with genetically predefined ability to control and evaluate emotions, other tend to believe that it can acquired through learning as someone grows and matures. Personally I think that it can be learnt as everything else in this life.

Emotional intelligence is a highly important concept for our everyday lives. It shapes the way we behave, the way we make decisions and the way we perform. Emotional intelligence is composed of a subset of skills, such as emotional self-control, self-awareness and awareness of others, expression, reasoning, self-management and management of others.

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Thanks to emotional self-control, we do not allow temporary impulses to lead to actions about which will regret later on. On the other hand, emotional self-awareness allows us understanding our own feelings and the consequences they may entail. It is very close to emotional expression, which allows us communicating our own emotions through verbal and non-verbal mediums in a way which would be correctly interpreted by other people. Thanks to emotional awareness of others, we are able to empathize by correctly interpreting such emotions (sent through verbal and non-verbal mediums) of other people. Finally, emotional reasoning is an ability to overcome faulty logics based on one’s emotional condition and keep a head cold despite insecurities and prejudices that one might have.

Psychologists identify several ways in which it is possible to self-manage your emotions. In particular, this can be done through emotional self-control (ability to restrict your short lived impulses), transparency (acting in line with your values and beliefs), adaptability (being ready to change and accept changes in the external environment), achievement (ability to self-improve emotionally), initiative (ability to take actions without hesitation when they are needed) and optimism (ability to maintain positive thinking even in difficult situations).

All of the above descriptions of emotional intelligence point out that emotional intelligence is a very important aspect of human intelligence. Even though there are many types of human intelligence (such as naturalist, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic, logical-mathematical and so on), the merit of emotional intelligence should not be downplayed. Even if a person is weak at some fields of human activity, he or she can succeed as much as any other person with strengths in this field. For example, if a person is weak at learning new languages, he or she still can effectively deliver his or her thought to a foreigner thanks to high emotional intelligence; and vice versa, a person with great knowledge of a foreign language but with poor emotional intelligence may find it struggling to explain his ideas to a representative of the alien culture.

To sum up, I believe that improving emotional intelligence is an absolute must. I have been using it unintentionally and unconsciously for my entire life and going to use it even further. It will help me to achieve my career goals, win friends and persuade my enemies. It will help me to understand personal needs of other people as well as expectations of bosses at my future workplace. Thanks to my ability to express emotions in an appropriate and understandable way, people will always see that kind of a person in me whom I want them to see, without any distortions or misunderstandings. Emotional self-control, if mastered, is a great tool to avoid conflicts at home and at a workplace. To sum up, I will use emotional intelligence to integrate within our society and become its both charismatic and good citizen.

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