
Plagiarism and Scholarly Writing

677 words | 3 page(s)

O`Conner (2003) claims that the writer is the only person who is responsible for cohesiveness and comprehensiveness of the content. If a text sounds unclear to a reader, it is not the reader`s fault but a writer`s. The vast majority of readers put up with this confusion whereas for some writers, it is the most desired effect. This writer`s tendency is dated back to ancient times when the text was intentionally complicated so to sound intricate. Nevertheless, the simplicity is what every reader looks for. A brilliant writer can explain the most complex idea with the simplest words, and this is a true art (pp. 195–196).

Grammarly and SafeAssign are two tools which help a writer to measure originality of their text and find out typos and grammar mistakes. When the text is inserted in Grammarly, the system examines it carefully and then sends a report with mistakes and potential improvements. Grammarly highlights all the repetitions, weak grammar constructions, and unclear phrases and sentences. It helps a writer to enhance the quality and comprehensiveness of their work. Nevertheless, Grammarly does not always identify the rules correctly. It also highlights the words which are widely used in language, disregarding that they are used only once in this paper. It leaves unclear comments and offers users to put punctuation marks where they are not needed.

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SafeAssign is used to measure the percentage of originality. It highlights the most commonly repeated phrases, marking them as plagiarism. Sometimes, it marks as plagiarism those phrases that cannot be paraphrased and it looks confusing. In general, both SafeAssign and Grammarly are the tools that can eliminate the most common mistakes, but the writers should not fully rely on these sources when ensuring that their work is free of plagiarism, grammar, and stylistic mistakes. This experience has shown me that plagiarism could be avoided by citing the materials properly.

Among all effective tools, Paper-Rater can be used as a supportive website. It does not only detect plagiarism, weak grammar structures and mistakes, and plagiarism but also helps to write sentences with the striking beginning. It offers various ways to sound captivating. In all tools the recommendations for revision are optional, and a writer is given a choice to decide what to correct and what to remain unchanged. The tools are not sensitive to the peculiarities of the content. The uniqueness of writing style can be violated when a writer counts completely on automatic grammar checkers.

According to APA format, all the authors` names should be inverted and followed by initials. If a source is written by more than seven authors, the first six surnames should be included, and then, there should be inserted three ellipses followed by the last name of the author. If the article is written by the authors with the same surnames, the full first name can be provided in brackets (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 184). This rule is located in a subsection “Authors and Editors” and can be found on the p. 184 (Chapter 6 “Reference Components,” section 6.27 “Author and Editor Information”).

According to APA format, periodical sources must contain the name of the author (authors), the year of publication (in brackets), title of article (only the first letter of the first word is capitalized), the title of periodical (in italics, the first letter of every meaningful word is capitalized), the number of periodical, pages, and digital object identifier. If DOI is unavailable, the home page URL should be inserted. Periodical sources include those materials which are published on a regular basis. These are magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and journals (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 198). This rule is located on p. 198 of the manual (Chapter 7 “Examples by Type,” section 7.1 “Periodicals”).

  • American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
  • Cook, A. (2010). Avoiding unintentional plagiarism. Walden University. Retrieved from http://waldenwritingcenter.blogspot.com/2010/07/avoiding-unintentional-plagiarism.html
  • Writing Center. (n. d.). APA Style: Overview. Walden University. Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa
  • Writing Center. (n. d.). Grammarly. Walden University. Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammarly

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