
Political History of Iran since 1940

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As many other countries in the world, Iran got involved in the World War II due to its territorial closeness to the Persian Gulf. The Gulf, full of oil resourses became a critical point to reach for the British Navy. The Iranian ruler of that time, Reza Shah chose to remain closer to Nazi Germany while building allies. Yet, before 1944 Iran appeared to be surrounded by the Allied forces, so that Reza Shah abdicated a throne to his son. Mohhammad Reza Pahlavi appeared to be a new king of that time.

The political fate of Iran during and after the WWII was rather complicated. The Allied forces, dominated by Germans left a lot of influence and imprint on the history of Iran. The king also felt the pressure from USSR that had their interest in the region due to extensive oil resources. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi even managed to meet with the US officials to discuss the political pressure. Later, the question of Iran was raised at the UN summit, and eventually Russia had to leave the region.

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One of the most critical points for Iranian ruling elite was to regain the control over the oil industry, as the major part of it remained under the British rule. In 1949, National Front Party was formed with its aim to uphold the Constitution of 1906. Their target was to nationalize the oil industry, so that the British influence would be diminished. In the 1950s, with the new Prime-Minister Mossadeq the plans came into reality and National Iranian Oil Company was formed. In the Iranian history, a new Prime-Minister was perceived as a highlight for their history, as the country was supposedly close to getting control over the region. Yet, his actions were not perceived as the most prosperous for the country among the other Western leaders. The political regime in the country was far from democratic. Moreover, the country significantly lacked any development strategy.

In 1963, a new stage of Iranian political history had began. It was the year when the Shah announced a White Revolution that was to include the land reform, nationalization of forests, and eliminating the illiteracy among the population as much as it was possible. It is important to mention that Iranian women felt the changes with the Revolution, too. Then, they gained a right to vote, the minimum legal marriage age was raised to 18, too. Yet, the commenced changes did not last too long in the society. The period when Mohhamed Reza Pahlavi ruled lasted until 1979. Then, another Iranian Revolution commenced.

The year of 1979 is a significant turning point for Iranians. Due to a number of demonstrations in the 1970s, the Shah eventually resigned. No less important is the fact that Iranian constitution was modified in 1979, too.

Currently, Iran is a theocratic Islamic republic that follows the Constitution of 1979. The Islamic Religious Advisory Board is to select a supreme leader for the country. The current Supreme Leader of Iran is Ali Hosseini Khamanei who serves te position since 1989.

Recently, a new stage of the US and Iran relations came to power. The major concert for both countries’ presidents is the nuclear power as both leaders have leaders to increase the exposure of the military power these days. Thus, the US and Iran official continue to revive official conversations on that matter.

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