
Pollution Prevention

930 words | 4 page(s)

Introduction: The proposed plan was designed in response to the threat of increased pollution as a result of the growing population. It covers two types of measures: those aimed at preventing pollution and those aimed at handling and treating the pollution that cannot be prevented.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Measures aimed at limiting solid waste production in the face of a growing population.
Measure 1: To encourage centralized purchasing and reuse practices among local businesses.
Measure 2: To improve the recycling policies through creating centralized waste stations in convenient locations and encouraging local businesses to exhibit their commitment to waste practices through creating their own waste stations.
Measure 3: To place a special focus on managing food waste that is to implement organics recycling programs that will involve providing the town with color-coded bins, providing special training to the employees that are, to a larger or smaller extent, related to food industry, provide compostable serviceware and engage the local community to get involved with signage practices.
Measure 4: To conduct a regular waste assessment that will analyze the effectiveness of the current practices and help to outline the directions for future improvements (Withgott & Laposata, 2010).

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Body Paragraph 2: Measures aimed at managing waste that cannot be prevented.
Measure 1: To perform an audit of non-preventable waste in order to qualify and quantify it as well as to evaluate the cost of the existing waste management strategies and to target the directions for minimizing costs and increasing the efficiency.
Measure 2: To consider the directions for increasing the cost-effectiveness of the waste management strategies from three perspectives: people (providing the essential education on waste minimization), systems (implementing new systems of control over waste production, management, and the associated costs), and technologies (investing in advanced technologies that help to minimize the costs).
Measure 3: To identify which business/company/industry pursues the most cost-effective waste management strategies and to encourage this team to share its experience so that it can be adopted at the municipal level (Environmental impact assessment, 2012).

IV. Body Paragraph 3: Measures aimed at preventing excess wastewater in the face of a growing population.
Measure 1: Appoint the coordinator of water efficiency who will be in charge of managing the work of the water efficiency team, monitoring the efficiency of the existing water efficiency plan, and suggesting the improvements that need to be made do this plan.
Measure 2: To ensure that all the municipal buildings have water efficient devices installed and to encourage private businesses and households to install such devices as well by providing subsidiaries and other forms of financial support for installing them.
Measure 3: To reduce water waste in landscapes through implementing various xeriscape techniques such as installing dough-tolerant plants, reducing turf areas, ensuring appropriate soil preparation (ex. soil composting), and mulching.
Measure 4: To require all new facilities to meet some minimal number of water efficiency scores (Withgott & Laposate, 2010).

V. Body Paragraph 4: Measures aimed at managing wastewater that cannot be prevented.
Measure 1: To launch an education course for employees and residents so that they can learn about the available water saving and reusing strategies.
Measure 2: To ensure that all the municipal facilities reuse non-potable water in all the situation where this reuse is feasible and compliant with the relevant health, safety, and environmental norms and to encourage the local businesses and households to reuse non-portable water by introducing adequate incentives.
Measure 3: To use water-saving spreadsheet tools in order to quantify and monitor water losses and those flaws in the distribution systems that cause them.
Measure 4: To repair leaks – in spite of the high associated costs, the measure will produce considerable savings in a long-term perspective (Botkin & Keller, 2014).

VI. Body Paragraph 5: Measures aimed at limiting destruction in the face of expanding housing and commercial areas.
Measure 1: To design an infrastructure that will promote an environmentally respectful consumption of resources.
Measure 2: To minimize waste and implement effective waste management strategies following the directions defined in the previous sections.
Measure 3: To encourage both municipal entities and citizens to prioritize compact land-use patterns.
Measure 4: To establish an effective and stable cooperation with non-governmental organizations that will facilitate the way towards sustainability (Tietenberg & Lewis, 2010).

VII. Body Paragraph 6: Description of the plan’s economic and political feasibility; ideas to overcome any proposed barriers to its implementation.
Description of the plan’s economic and political feasibility
1. From an economic perspective, the plan outlines financial incentives for investing in advanced waste management technologies that will minimize the costs of pollution management; it also offers long-term strategies such as leak repairing that imply reduced costs in the long run.
2. From the political perspective, the plan offers a balanced funding plan that will allow the government to establish an adequate balance between subsidized investments and revenues obtained from the cost-reduction policies.
Ideas to overcome any proposed barriers to the plan’s implementation: The anticipated barrier is the public (both individuals’ and businesses’) resistance to getting involved in pollution prevention; in order to overcome this barrier, the local government will need:
To communicate comprehensively the advantages of pollution prevention so that each individual has a clear idea of the perceived benefits associated with his or her involvement with it.
To offer some incentives (financial bonuses or other rewards) to encourage people to join such initiatives as water reuse, compact land-use patterns, etc.

VIII. Summary: The implementation of this plan will provide for the city’s continual development that will imply minimum environmental impact.

  • Botkin, D. B., & Keller, E. A. (2014). Environmental science: Earth as a living planet. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Tietenberg, T., & Lewis, L. (2010). Environmental economics and policy. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Withgott, J., & Laposata, M. (2010). Essential Environment: The science behind the story. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.

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