
Population Teaching

430 words | 2 page(s)

In teaching students about the infectious diseases such as sneezing and coughing, the following are the behavioral outcomes that were observed:

1. The students will verbalize two ways to prevent germ spreading (hand washing, cough, and sneeze covering). (Cognitive)
2. The students will demonstrate a cough and sneeze covering using their hand and tissue.
3. The students will verbalize importance of preventing germs spreading in preventing sickness (Affective) (Anderson, 2016).
4. The students will verbalize when they should clean their hands and for how long. (Affective)

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Participant Evaluation: (Summary of how you will evaluate if the students met your objectives)
Evaluating the students in the class will occur in the following ways: First, we will evaluate throughout the activity how the students understand the concept of spreading the germs and the potential risk of getting in contact with the germs. Secondly, we will evaluate the students when they demonstrate a cough and sneeze covering where each student participating will be provided with a packet of tissue for the various demonstrations. In addition to that, throughout the presentation, we will evaluate the understanding of the student and how effective the teaching was by how the student interacts with us, how they respond to the demonstrations, and what they say about the lesson (Sando et al., 2013). We will also note what the students say about germ spread prevention in evading sickness including the overall exercise. However, those students that seems to miss the point are corrected constructively to enable them learn the necessary skills that can be used to prevent infectious diseases of sneezing and coughing.

Instructor Evaluation tools
The following is the evaluation tool that will be used to effectively appraise students:
1-Nursing student effectively presented the topic to the students.
2-Nursing student taught the students at an appropriate level.
3-The students learned the importance of preventing Germs spreading well.
4- The nursing student uses the resources effectively.
5- The nursing student was professional throughout the presentation.
6-The nursing student kept the attention of the students throughout the presentations.
7- The overall methods, materials, and activities used in the lesson were effective and appropriate for the student age (Thurlings, Evers & Vermeulen, 2015).

  • Anderson, S. E. (2016). Understanding teacher change: Revisiting the concerns based adoption model. Curriculum Inquiry, 27(3), 331-367.
  • Sando, C. R., Coggins, R. M., Meakim, C., Franklin, A. E., Gloe, D., Boese, T., … & Borum, J. C. (2013). Standards of best practice: Simulation standard VII: Participant assessment and evaluation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 9(6), S30-S32.
  • Thurlings, M., Evers, A. T., & Vermeulen, M. (2015). Toward a model of explaining teachers’ innovative behavior: A literature review. Review of Educational Research, 85(3), 430-471.

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