
Protocol Diagnosis Management and Follow-up for Disorder

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The growth process from infancy to adolescence is characterized with various challenges that are influenced by the social and physiological factors. One of the most common problems that develops in and progresses from childhood to adolescence is the depressive disorder. Depression is severe medical condition that affects that affects the adolescents and teens across the world today. The common cause of this condition is the wide range of the social and psychological challenges that affect the adolescents in their daily activities (Ken, 2009). The representation of the symptoms in this condition is different among the adolescent victims because of the differences in personalities and the environments in which people exist.

The number of teenagers and adolescent affected by depressive disorder has been increasing over the years. Approximately 2.2 million adolescents in the United States experience at least one depressive challenge annually across the world. The increase in the number of the victims with the condition have an approximate increase by 9.1% (NIH, 2014). Most of the people that are affected by the condition are between 12 to 17 years of age and this is the population that is highly predisposed to the effects of adolescence and stress. The management of this condition among these individuals has various challenges because of its representation and most of the victims do not openly seek expert intervention. The number of boys and girls that are affected by the condition before puberty is almost identical. However, the number of girls that experience the depressive disorder is twice as much in girls than it is in boys.

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There are various factors that inspire the increased level of depression among the children and its progression for the adolescents. Some of the factors that increase the increased levels of peer pressure include peer pressure and the inconsistence and action of the hormonal levels in the adolescents (Ken, 2009). The lack of the proper skills and knowledge among the teenagers to manage some of the stressing situations that they encounter is one of the factors that leads to an increase in the levels of severe and chronic depression that affects their health condition.

The pathophysiology o the depressive disorder among the adolescents does not have a clearly defined basis. However, evidence points towards the cause of the condition to the interaction that occur between the receptor regulators and the neurotransmitters. This is one of the most common causes of the affective symptoms that are associated with the condition (NIH, 2014). The disturbance of the normal action of the central nervous systems is also one of the factors that generates some of the responses associated with the medical condition among the adolescents that are victims. The structural differences that occur in the brains of the victims are some of the factors that affect them and this is usually accelerated by some of the physical and social problems that can be encountered when individuals grow from childhood to adolescence. The people that are exposed to traumatic events early in their life are also likely to be affected by the condition adolescence and in adulthood. Inherited traits can also predispose an individual to depression in adolescence (Ken, 2009).

Some of the common symptoms that are exhibited by the victims of the condition include apathy and various factors that present psychological difficulties. These victims exhibit impulsiveness, memory loss and challenges in making critical decisions (Jerry, 2015). The victims can also be engaged in talks of suicide in extreme situations where expert attention is not acquired. The social and psychological challenge presented by these individuals can affect their performance in their engagements like in school and their places of work and thus reducing the quality of their lives.

Proper diagnosis for depression among the adolescents is one of the essential entities towards the effective treatment strategies. This is diagnosed through assessment and evaluation of the victims by the psychologist through the use of a series of question san d that can ascertain the thoughts, behaviors and moods of the victims. This psychological evaluation can be used in gauging the mental abilities of these individuals. In order to manage the condition from progressing into damaging and suicide levels, it is important that the medical specialists give the most appropriate interventions associated with the condition of the patients. Medication is one of the common treatments that is given through the administration of antidepressants to the victims. There are a wide range of management and follow-up strategies that can also be used towards the management and mitigation of the symptoms among the victims. The psychological experts can assists in the administration of appropriate social and physical activities to the victims as a realistic way of mitigating the condition (Kessler et al. 2001). The follow-up activities are important because this can assist the experts to ensure the victims adhere to the treatment guidelines and the management and this is important as this can promote positive progression in the victims. The management and follow-up strategies is comprehensive and should include the members of the families and friends of the victims to give close monitoring of their situations.

Culture is one of the essential factors that can affect the progression and care that can be given to the patients of the medical condition. This is because in order to have a positive progression in adolescent depression, the involvement of the victims and the members of their facility is elemental (NIH, 2014). Therefore a culture that does not embrace self-care and the comprehensive application of the medical interventions from the medical experts may not promote positive progression in the victims.

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