
Radical Right-Wing Politics

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There are many issues which humanity presently faces on a global scale. Economic downturn and recent developments in the rise of extremism in religions across the Middle East have left many countries in the Western world fearful of the future. As a result of this, a large increase in radical right-wing policies and politicians has occurred to reflect the general nature of this fear. These parties often lean towards more extremist conservative views and have a stark fear of socialism and its effects. The development of radical right-wing groups has occurred and become prominent since as early as the 1950s, and politicians such as Donald Trump in the United States and Marine Le Pen in Europe have caused an explosion in terms of those who agree with these policies and mentalities.

The growth of the radical right-wing parties in the respective regions are very similar and have developed largely as a result of the fears that the general public has in terms of economy and foreign threats. One of the most prominent of these radical right-wing leaders is Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right National Front Party. (Shorto, 2011) Much of the influence that Le Pen has can be traced back to her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who developed the party in 1972. In essence, the party was built upon the construction of combating the fears that the French had of immigrants and immigration itself at the time. As highlighted by Russell Shorto in the New York Times, the founder had particularly extremist views for the Jewish community and details pertaining to the Nazi occupation of France. (Shorto, 2011)

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These ideas can be seen as implicit inspirations to Le Pen and her simplistic, unabashed approach to politics mirrors many of the simple demands that Parisians and the French in general have for their government. Her rise to power can also be traced to her approach to discussing politics and the influence that war had on her in her youth. (Shorto, 2011) One of the many attributes that she expresses and represents in terms of the radical-right wing party in general can be seen in her ability to address the fears that the public has and assure them that those fears are shared by her, and are prominent aspects of her campaign. Another aspect of her mass appeal is her ability to denounce the elitist structure of French politics, and in this manner, she can be compared to Donald Trump in many ways. (Shorto, 2011)

Just like Trump, Le Pen appeals to the common individual who wishes to see marginal improvements and likes the implications of a leader which doesn’t directly affiliate themselves with the elites of the country. This ability to relate to the common working citizen gives the radical-right wing an audience to whom they can play upon the fears and angers most easily. By appealing to the desire that the public has for change and giving them an outlet for their frustrations, Trump and Le Pen have built successful campaigns in both of their respective countries. (Shorto, 2011) These politicians have a matter-of-fact attitude and have the capacity to appeal to the more brash, unapologetic characteristic of their audiences.

Yet, there is a principal difference between Le Pen and Trump and their approach to re-establishing the far-right conservative parties. Le Pen has adamantly addressed the racism and xenophobia that the National Front Party has had over the years and continues to distinguish herself form these perspectives. Despite this though, she still shares a very anti-immigration policy with Donald Trump in the United States. (Epstein, 2016) Both politicians believe that there is a large contribution to the economic and social instability that can be traced to particular groups– Le Pen believes that there is a cultural imbalance in France as a result of Syrian and Muslim refugees not fully acclimating themselves to French culture and Donald Trump believes that the influx of Mexican immigrants can be seen as a reason the United States is suffering culturally and economically. (Edsall, 2015)

Furthermore, both politicians are able to appeal to the dominating fear that their audiences have of the radical Islamic groups such as ISIS. These groups have managed to affect both countries and mass media in most of Europe and in the United States have provided a plethora of stories and forms of coverage about the actions of these extremist groups. France can be seen as an example of a country which is especially gripped by the effects of the radical terrorism of groups such as ISIS, in the fact that the country has been subjected to many threats and acts of terrorism, mostly including large-scale bombings and bombing attempts. As a result, there is a heightened sense of fear which is associated with allowing members of different ethnic groups emigrate to the country. (Epstein, 2016) The radical-right wing has thus been able to capitalize on this fear and present the citizenry with a solution in not allowing the immigrants into the country out of the fear that they too might be affiliated with these organizations.

Another attribute of the success of these parties can be seen in the largely Christian influence that is associated with many of the party leaders and beliefs that the parties themselves hold. (Edsall, 2015) Christianity is a tremendous aspect of many of these parties and beliefs and this immediately puts the audience of these groups into a conflicting sphere of belief with members of other nationalities and religions. Because of the ideological differences of many of the believers in the right wing train of thought, the ability to capitalize on the fear of other religious and ethnic groups allows for these parties and their respective representatives to grow. (Edsall, 2015) Donald Trump presents a perfect example of this and the ability of a person to take advantage of the present fears that the general public have about those unlike them. (Edsall, 2015)

Most of Trump’s audience is statistically white, middle-aged Christians from rural, highly religious areas. The appeal that Trump has for these individuals is a preservation of the more traditional aspects of American culture and a stark rejection of what others within the party may believe to be normal or okay. As a result, there has been a surge in the audience size that Trump has given the fact that his beliefs come during a time of great fear and anxiety towards members of radical groups of other nationalities. (Edsall, 2015) Furthermore, like Le Pen, Trump has expressed the fact that he stands apart from the elitist groups and that his ideas are not affected by them. This presents the audience that he has with the ability to feel as if their opinions have more effect. Coupled with the ability of both politicians to cater to the fears and anxieties that their audience has, such ideas and similar parties across Europe and the rest of the world have given rise.

  • Edsall, Thomas. (2015) “Can This Really Be Donald Trump’s Republican Party?” New York Times.
  • Shorto, Russell (2011) “Marine Le Pen, France’s (Kindler, Gentler) Extremist.” New York Times.
  • Epstein, Reid (2016). “Trump’s Rival Makes Last Stand in Republican Race.” The Wall Street Journal.

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