
Relief-Rehabilitation Continuum And Religion

691 words | 3 page(s)

There has been an upsurge of activities relating to the relief-development continuum and its several linkages to relied development. Further activities have pointed towards the relief-development interface and the transitioning from relief to development. The subject has appeared in several religious workshops and conferences that have taken place. The concept of relief-rehabilitation can be explained in the sense of providing relief and rehabilitation assistance and providing sense to several initiatives that have been used in the discussions that have little or more indication of practical implications (Land, 17).

Religions offer guidance in the way people live and can be considered as an institution that brings about moral balance and aids in the various plans. Therefore, relief-rehabilitation would be important to religion so as it balances the various checkpoints needed. For example, in the preparation of guidelines that have the role in humanitarian affairs, the various religions can offer guidance in the making of the guidelines (Land, 14).

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There are conflicts and disasters, and the relief-rehabilitation continuum can be used as a way to ensure that linking relief to the repercussions that have been caused by the conflicts and disasters. Emergencies that are needed due to the disasters and conflicts are costly regarding resources and life. They disrupt development as they demand time in ensuring that rehabilitation through spawning of bureaucratic structures, organizational cultures, and lines of communications, that will be duplicating or cutting across the development institutions have been made.

Administration and development policy is sometimes insensitive to the risk of ensuring that vulnerable households are protected. Therefore, the sole purpose of involving religious institutions in relief rehabilitation would be to ensure that relief and development are linked to overcoming these deficiencies in a clear manner without harming the potentially vulnerable households (Land, 21). Ensuring that there is better development can always reduce the requirement for emergency relief, or better relief can be a part of development.

Some of the ministries that try to link relief and development include the ministries that deal with the product of increased expenditures on humanitarian and disaster relief. In ensuring that the dramatic expenditures do not increase, there is the involvement of the relief rehabilitation and one could see some dramatic expenditures that needed intervention. There are donor organizations that offer portions of these expenditures (Kimura, 17). There needs to ensure that part of the additional expenditures that will be used in the disaster, and humanitarian relief ate funded by ensuring a switch of resources from development activities and ensuring that vital motive for the upsurge in the interest of the continuum is provided.

The concerns raised concerning development ensure that they have a close interest in the relief activities and question whether there is room for ensuring that the relief expenditures are used developmentally. Human resources that will be developed will improve the local productivity capacity and local infrastructure. Being a relief worker, one motivates such a view with some cynicism while trying to climb the humanitarian bandwagon despite years of ignoring relief and disasters but ensuring they are effective (Borton, 23).

Ministries that ensure disaster and relief management can be consistent with relief-rehabilitation-development continuum in various ways. While considering the Christian community development principles, the conceptual thoughts brought to the continuum by the Christian community yields positive insights that will be beneficial to the ministry (Borton, 27). The Christian community is accommodative and will ensure that humanitarian and relief measures taken by the ministry will reassert a central position of ensuring development and developing the required institutions.

The Christian community will aid in the ideas that will reduce the number of conflicts and make the developing notion that complex emergencies experience in such situations ate chronic. They require peaceful and institutionalized decisions that will use programs that have a wide range of activities that will be within the term of immediate relief. The Christian views can aid in ending humanitarian crisis while reducing the dislikes of regimes that will be in poor and try to guide their poor donor organizations and human rights records (Kimura, 67). The Christian views will aid in the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters that are human made by producing explicit programs that have aid.

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