
Religion and Science

621 words | 3 page(s)

Explanations that seem out of human control have existed throughout the history of man. Religion and sciences have always been in conflict especially in the civilised world with the latter seen to resent ideas first prompting scientists to accumulate evidence to challenge religious beliefs. Science and religion both cater for different functions of life. Religion leans on the spiritual side while science is more functional (Plantinga, 2011), with both serving human needs. Religion however is irreplaceable by science regardless of how much people want to believe science is superior. Religion holds a great psychological and cultural importance. The evolutionary history of human beings is created on an antidote that is religion. When for example life comes to an end, it is religion that helps people cope with the loss, moral codes and virtues are founded on religion, making it a great influence on the everyday life of human beings. Atheists who believe that science can replace religion are in for a rude shock as it is highly improbable.

Religion serves as the glue that holds the identity of a person together. Religion and science have always been in conflict regarding the origin of life and the human existence in general. They however both provide answers to people who are always in quest. Religion strongly affirms the position of human beings on earth and the reason for their existence. The human kind can only comprehend natural occurrences to a certain level (Plantinga, 2011). This is where theology comes in. Theologians have strived to develop an explanation to the natural events in the modern world that is most preferred by human. Empirical evidence is not required in religion. The main idea is faith where people believe that there is a super natural being responsible for all the happenings. Religion typically relies on supernatural forces and beings and does not follow the law of nature. Religious faith forms the cornerstone of religion where theories are founded upon. The explanations in religion that are considered unexplainable are accorded a supernatural explanation.

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In a world where people are constantly losing hope, it is important to believe in a being that gives the same. Religion gives a purpose to the lives of people in a hopeless world. Human relationships are separated by diversity and technology. Religion provides unity, being the only time people can commune together and socialize grounds the human race in long gone traditions and improves human relationships. Religion inspires human behaviour (Plantinga, 2011). Tenets of faith are passed along by religion, and it is considered a positive force that drill good works into people. Today’s society and religion cannot be separated. Peace and, mutual understanding as well as unity in the society are enhanced by religion. Destructive occurrences have been prevented by religion. Materialism can be used to refer to science that does derive some of its truths form religion; it provides the human race with an orientation towards a being that is transcendent. Faith is the originating idea that gives human beings an insight into the existence of this transcendent being broadening how they think and act. Science has explanations to correlation without the spiritual component that exists in all correlations in every day leaving. Science is a collective work that is gradually being worked on while religion has been in existence since time immemorial. Religion and science will always be in conflict (Plantinga, 2011). Whereas science has drawn its support form religion, it is evident that the religion has no roots whatsoever in scientific findings. Science can hide in religion, but the latter does not provide room for a supernatural being to co-habit, making religion the proper sphere.

  • Plantinga, A. (2011). Where the conflict really lies: Science, religion, and naturalism. New York: Oxford University Press.

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