
Rigor In Qualitative Case Study Research

342 words | 2 page(s)

The article uses case studies to explain how qualitative research strategies that make it credible, dependable and confirmable. The studies are about nursing and explain the importance of a rigorous research in clinical laboratories. They used strategies like observation, member checking, reflexibility, practical examples to ensure there was rigour in the research. The resolve of this examination is to create an understanding of what makes a research to be of quality and dependable in nursing profession. The collected data is evaluated using content analysis approach. The researchers coded all interview transcripts line by line in order to identify key concepts and the kind of ideas that recur (Houghton, Casey, Shaw & Murphy, 2013).

The advancement in qualitative study holds the promise for immeasurably enriching scholars’ understanding of observable facts in the health research. The authors of the research conducted a thorough literature review about nursing intervention and discussed the importance of rigour in qualitative research. It uses the nurse records, interviews them together with the patients. The study can be said to have credibility since the researchers conducted it in a believable manner and can be depended upon.

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Most of the data is accurate and the findings can be transferred to hospital and nursing institutions to be studied (Houghton, Casey, Shaw & Murphy, 2013). The research questions are explicit and appropriate for this qualitative inquiry. The data collection, sampling and analysis are clearly described as well as suited for the research question. The research has demonstrated explicit sampling criteria, data analysis and data collection techniques. It uses constant comparative approach to develop a substantive theory .There is clear link between evidence and data analysis as well as transparency in the process of data analysis.

Proliferation of qualitative approaches in the health research is increasingly gaining wide acceptability and making it indispensable to think about how qualitative research’s value ought to be assessed. From the article it can be said that for qualitative study to be of quality, flexible principles that are sensitive to rigor and commitment, context, coherence and transparency, importance and impact are necessary.

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