
Rising Global Chinese Influence: Research Proposal

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Research Objective
The objective of this study is to examine the rising global influence of China.

Research Questions
The research questions in this proposed study will include those stated as follows:
Why is China’s global influence rising?
What specific areas of global influence are rising for China?
What security issues present with China’s rising influence for the United States?

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The methodology of the proposed study will be qualitative and will involve an extensive review of literature in this area of inquiry in what will be a critical analysis of published literature such as is located in professional publications and peer-reviewed academic journals and articles.

The limitations of this study are only those regarding the availability of information that is published in this area of inquiry.

Delimitations include that an initial research of published literature yields an extension base of literature in this area of inquiry.

Literature Review
The work of Kurlantzick (2013) reports that while the economy of China is experiencing some slowing that the influence of China on a global scale is rising. For example, it is reported that Chinese firms and the majority of these being state-owned “alone occupied 73 of the top 500 slots in Fortune’s 2012 ranking of the largest companies in the world by sales revenue” (Kurlantzick, 2013, p.1). The work of Yew (2010) reports for Forbes that with the increases in China’s GDP that the country has gained in its’ assertiveness in the area of issues that are of international importance. Ikenberry (2008) stated that China’s rise in influence and power will be “one of the great dramas” to take place in the 21st century (p.1). China’s influence on global economics is reported in the work of Best (2016) to include: (1) oil prices are lower; (2) falls in the prices of commodities; (3) trade reductions; and (4) domino effect for corporate world.

The work of Kamrany and Jiang (2016) entitled “China’s Rise to Global Economic Superpower” states that China has been ranked by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as being “the most prestigious international financial institution in the world” and ultimately has rained China number 1 above even the U.S. on many indicators (p.1). According to Professor Petras (2017) from the Global Research Centre for Research on Globalization, China has risen due to the communist revolution that took place in China in the middle of the 20th century. The result of this revolution was that China was reunified as a state that is sovereign and independent (Petras, 2017). The work of Robertson (2012) entitled “The Global Impact of China’s Growth” states that the growth in China over the past 20 years has been the same if not even more that the growth that peaked in the miracle economies of Asia and as such has resulted in the greatest reduction in poverty historically known as China has become the world’s newest economic superpower. In fact, according to Schellekens (2015) China has transformed into a country that has income in the upper-middle class. The work of Ackerman (2014) notes that the rise in China’s influence and the power associated with this rise is such that will serve to have an effect that is lasting in the areas of international relations and global affairs.

Ferchen (2016) reports for the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy that it is important to gain a better understanding in relation to the political economy due to the emerging role of China on a global scale. The work of Arslanalp, Liao, Piao and Seneviratne (2016) in an International Monetary Fund Working Paper states that the world is increasingly reliant in the financial markets on the growth in China.

Conclusion and Recommendations
The brief and initial review of literature in this proposal for research makes it clear that many questions are unanswered about China’s growth in influence globally. Therefore, it is recommended that a research study should be undertaken in this area of inquiry

  • Ackerman, M. (2014) China’s Rise to Power: An Examination of Domestic, Regional and Global Impacts. John Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD. Retrieved from: https://jscholarship.library.jhu.edu
  • Arslanalp, S., Liao, W., and Seneviratne, D. (2016) China’s Growing Influence on Asian Financial Markets. IMF Working Paper. Retrieved from: https://www.imf.org
  • Best, R. (2016) 4 Ways China Influences Global Economics. Investopedia. 28 Jan 2016. Retrieved from: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/012816/4-ways-china-influences-global-economics.asp
  • Ferchen, M (2016) China, Economic Development and Global Security. Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy. Retrieved from: http://carnegieendowment.org
  • Kamrany, N.M., and Jiang, F. (2016) China’s Rise to Global Economic Superpower. The World Post. Huff Post. Retrieved from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nake-m-kamrany/chinas-rise-to-global-eco_b_6544924.html
  • Kurlantzick, J. (2013) China’s Economy Slows but its Global Influence Continues to Rise. The National 10 Aug 2013. Retrieved from: https://www.thenational.ae/china-s-economy-slows-but-its-global-influence-continues-to-rise-1.306896
  • Petras, J. (2017) China: Rise, Fall and Re-Emergence as a Global Power. Global Research Centre for Research on Globalization. Retrieved from: https://www.globalresearch.ca/china-rise-fall-and-re-emergence-as-a-global-power/29644
  • Robertson, P.E. (2012) The Global Impact of China’s Growth. The University of Western Australia. Retrieved from: http://www.business.uwa.edu.au
  • Schellekens, P. (2013) A Changing China: Implications for Developing Countries. The World Bank 118. Retrieved from: http://siteresources.worldbank.org
  • Yew, L.K. (2011) China’s Rise: A Shift in Global Influence. Forbes 2 Dec 2010. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2010/1220/opinions-lee-kuan-yew-current-events-china-rise.html

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