
SARA Model Of Problem Resolution

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The situation at Riverside High School requires a method that is conducive to the overall solution of the graffiti being present at such a highly regarded high school. Riverside has garnered its safe reputation by being involved in voicing concerns and understanding the culture of its learning environment. This school has been the standard of safety, and we intend to keep it this way. We want others to model after our success. As the Chief of Police of Riverside, my job is to address this problem in the most efficient and sufficient manner. The SARA (Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment (Evaluation)) model is used in this problem-resolution of policing.

The breakdown of the SARA method is as follows:
Scanning involves identification of the problem. This is important because the problem has to be clear to all involved in order to take cautionary steps in resolving it. The analysis identifies the person or person involved. This gives a clear indication of the causes. The response involves a community action plan. I cannot be alone in responding to the issue. The community has to take an active role as well. Finally, the model requires an assessment of the results. This is to ensure that the plan put in place actually works.

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The SARA model is a strategy that is often used in police problem-solving. According to Baum (2015), “The SARA model is the main problem-oriented policing strategy that breaks down problem solving into 4 simple steps that are easy for police officers to remember and understand” (para 1). The model was introduced in 1987 by John Eck and William Spelman. Their search for effective strategies in problem solving has been used by different police departments across the country (Baum, 2015).

In addition to solving the problem, I also assert that multiculturalism and diversity is taken into consideration. The city of Rockville is a diverse community, and this is a reflection of the high school as well. We cannot be swift in making assumptions based on bias and pre-conceived notions regarding race, religion and gender. Diversity in this community has been part of its success. Therefore, I will be sure to be sensitive to the different cultures in the community (Gannon & Pillai, 2015). We do not want to isolate members of the community due to pre-conceived notions of who the gang members are. We want to create a welcome environment where all citizens are given the chance to share their concerns and suggestions (Gannon & Pillai, 2015).

The first step of the plan is to scan. After scanning the situation, it is clear that the graffiti was sprayed don the concession stand located in the school’s football field. This shows that the perpetrators had easy access to the field. This is due to the field being open. Therefore, it is clear that the culprits had no issue accessing the concession stand. The larger issue is that the graffiti is clearly gang-related because in my recent exploration of gang activity during my Gang Investigation course, I was made aware of different types of gang symbols and tags. The principal also noted that more graffiti was found near the front parking lot of the school. This is another easily accessible location, which indicates that outsiders may be involved in the tagging.

In the analysis of the recent tagging at the school, I performed primary research and listened to the members of the community as well as interviewed teachers, students and administration. After having the conversations, valuable information was gathered in terms of moving forward with resolving the issue. Apparently, the gang violence is impacting the city of Rockville. Due to the recent incidents, residents fear that the high school is becoming a target. The ultimate fear is that gang violence and recruiting my find its way to the school. These are all relevant and valid concerns.

The most important part of the SARA model is to respond. According to Baum (2015) “The response step enables police to use their research from the analysis step to brainstorm ideas for intervention, select intervention options, outline plans and objectives, and implement proposed plans” (para 6). My plan that I present to you will offer a proactive approach in putting a halt to infiltration from gang activity. There are numerous ways in which we can put in place strategies to overcome the issue. The good thing about this situation is that we are attacking it in its early stages. In doing so, the issue is manageable.

The final step is assessing and evaluating the successes and failures of the implemented plan. This will involve collecting data and discussing what is working and not working within the plan. Baum (2015) states, “During this step, police forces also determine whether their initial goals were met and make an effort to better ensure continued success” (para 10). As an experienced officer, I bring my level of expertise to the role of evaluator. However, it is essential to have the support of the community, teachers, administration and students in finding out what works best for the school. Moving forward, it is also important to stay consistent in the implementation of the plan and to ensure that policies and promises are kept. This leads to long-term, successful relationships.

Overall, the discussion of the SARA model as a means to problem-solving against graffiti and ultimately gang activity proves to be an effective strategy. The students, faculty and staff at Riverside high school deserve to have an environment that fosters safety. Any threat against this should immediately be rectified. Gang infiltration can very much interrupt the core of a safe learning environment. Gangs destroy communities and destroy lives. When children go to school, this is one place in the community where they should feel as though there are a team of people are not only dedicated to their learning but ensuring their safety.

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