
Schools and Development Table

303 words | 2 page(s)

Schools anDuring this first stage of development babies are learning to be calmed and comforted, gaining spatial understanding and motor control; in a classroom setting, children will learn to grasp at objects, identify with objects, and gain a basic understanding of how their limbs function. A classroom setting will foster development by assisting with these areas while teaching children how to start interacting socially.

During this early childhood stage, the child is growing physically while increasing their motor development, intellectual, social, and emotional skills. A classroom setting will assist this child in that it will teach them how to interact with others, how to better control their emotions, and increase cognitive function through learning the basics necessary for a full foundation of learning.

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Ages six to ten will show the child increasing in confidence levels, learning independence and applying their creativity. Assignments within a classroom setting will assist in fostering creativity, building their confidence by teaching them what they are good at. It will teach them self-sufficiency and independence, allowing them to come out of their shells and start developing their personalities.

Ages ten through fourteen will allow the child to continue to develop their passions within a classroom setting, teach them appropriate time management, increase their levels of responsibility and increase their reasoning capacities. During this time the student will continue to learn about the importance of completing jobs to the exact specifications of the assignments.

During the period of late adolescence, the classroom setting will work to solidify the basic personality of the student, teach them what they need to do in order to succeed later in life, give them the tools they need in order to meet their responsibilities in real world settings, and work to show the importance of deadlines, leadership, and prepare them for college.
d Development Table

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