
Sex Education in Schools

403 words | 2 page(s)

It is very important to promote sex education in schools. Studies have shown that students who are educated about sex before they become sexually active are less likely to become pregnant at an early age or contract a sexually transmitted disease (Siebold, 2013). Despite this, there are many debates about the place of a sex education program in the public education system; many parents argue that this type of discussion is inappropriate for this setting. It is therefore important to convince parents that sex education as a part of the high school classroom experience is an integral step in ensuring the future health of their children. Parents must be made aware of the advantages of sex education and what can happen if their children are not adequately informed about decisions involving sex.

Although many parents believe that sex education programs are unnecessary because abstinence is a better answer, it has been shown that 1 out of 2 high school students have had sex and parental advice doing so has no effect (Boskey, 2010). In addition, there is evidence that states that sex education doesn’t convince young adults to have sex, but it does manage to keep them safe. In order to convince parents of the necessity of sex education programs in schools, individual schools should develop a permission slip for students to participate in this type of class. At the beginning of the slip, there will be a fact sheet discussing the advantages of an early sex education. Although parents will ultimately be able to choose whether their child will be able to participate or not, the fact sheet will convince some parents to change their opinion about sex education, which will help reduce the risk of a greater amount of children. To determine whether this method is truly effective, statistical analysis will be conducted; the number of students allowed to participate in sex education programs before and after the fact sheet distribution will be compared. If there are a larger amount of students taking the class, this effort will be considered successful; if there are less, it is important to find other ways to reach the parents and convince them to change their minds.

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  • Boskey, E. (2010). Top 10 Reasons to Support Comprehensive Education in Schools. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Retrieved from http://std.about.com
  • Siebold, S. (2013). It’s Time to Make Sex Education Mandatory in Our Nation’s Schools. The Blog. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com

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