
Sexual Predator Case

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With such information posted by Mr.Y , there is the likelihood of him being regarded as a sexual predator. Sexual predators take advantage of the vulnerability of young girls or boys to groom and obtain sexual favors from them. Sexual predatory is a major social problem in modern social set ups. It is a crime against children and offenders may be subjected to the law.

Based on the information, Mr.Y will be regarded as a potential sexual predator. This will have the impact of segregation from students, teachers and even the community at large if the information gets its way from the principal to students and the outside community (Bonnar-Kidd, 2010). Secondly, Mr. Y may face harassment since sexual predatory is an act of shame socially. This has the potential of making him commit other crimes like suicide. The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 requires that colleges be vigilant of sexual offenders that operate within their institutions (Bonnar-Kidd, 2010). Consequently, Mr. Y may be discontinued from work and an investigation on his sexual behaviour may be launched. Mr.Y also faces the risk of vigilantism from both the community and students (Bonnar-Kidd, 2010). In America it is possible for crowds to beat up potential sexual offenders. This will instill fear in him thus bad interaction with the community. Students may also be afraid of him, which will ultimately affect learning.

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Josephson Institute of Ethics gives the list of the six pillars as responsibility, respect, care, trustworthiness, fairness and citizenship. Based on his social media post, Mr. Y violated a couple of pillars of character. First, he was not caring. Such a message can potentially cause a variety of emotions. For instance, somebody may be irritated by the idea that Mr. Y preys on young girls. Secondly, it implies that he does not care for young girls. The post also shows a sense of irresponsibility. As much as his sexual orientation is towards young girls, he did not have to post it on his social media platform. The fact that he is a teacher shows that he is not oblivious of what could result if authorities caught up with the post. However, he chose to post it anyway. Finally, he violates the pillar of respect. The post clearly indicates that he lacks respect for appropriate sexual interaction. It is disrespectful for a person of his age to sexually orient themselves with young girls.

As much as being regarded a potential sexual predator attracts harmful countermeasures to the victim, better steps can help manage the situation. Involvement of the justice system would be the most preferable (Finkelhor, 2009). Criminal justice systems have methods of registering sexual offenders and informing the community of their existence. They also help in tracking their actions. This can greatly help in ensuring that Mr. Y is protected against vigilantism and his actions can be monitored to determine his innocence. Mr. Y can also enroll for counseling. Research shows that with appropriate counseling, potential sexual offenders can undergo behavioral change that can see them change their sexual characteristics (Quayle, Morgenbesser, & Brown, 20109). However, counseling therapies tend to be expensive thus the need for financial support if one cannot fully afford them. Another key proactive method may involve better ways of associating with potential sex offenders. Considerate integration methods between Mr. Y, the community, students and colleagues would be considered. This will help in promoting easy supervision of his activities. Furthermore, it will give a sense of acceptance thus preventing negative effects of alienation, for instance, death. Additionally, students and fellow teachers would be guided on his rights as a suspected potential sexual offender (Finkelhor, 2009). This will make him feel accepted within the work environment. Furthermore, it will reduce the level of social segregation that he will receive.

  • Bonnar-Kidd, K. K. (2010). Sexual offender laws and prevention of sexual violence or recidivism. American Journal of Public Health, 100(3), 412-419. doi:10.2105/ajph.2008.153254
  • Davidson, J., Quayle, E., Morgenbesser, L., & Brown, S. (2010). Editorial [Special issue: Child sexual abuse on the internet: offenders, victims and managing the risk] Journal of Sexual Aggression, 16(1), 1-4. doi:10.1080/13552600903513952
  • Finkelhor, D. (2009). The prevention of childhood sexual Abuse. The Future of Children, 19(2), 169-194. doi:10.1353/foc.0.0035
  • Josephson Institute of Ethics. (n.d.). Six pillars of character. Retrieved from https://projects.ncsu.edu/midlink/cc/cc.pillars.html

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