
Should College Professors Date Their Students?

616 words | 3 page(s)

Joining college is an exciting experience for each and every young person. While in high school, students look forward to the day they will join college. In college, one believes that they will have a chance to enjoy the freedom that they do not get to enjoy while in high school or at home with their parents. On the other hand, it is every parent’s wish that their children get a chance to join college and have better opportunities in life. For both parents and their children, they assume or believe that the end product is that college will give them a chance to have experiences that will teach them a valuable lesson in life and they will have the chance to be exposed to better opportunities in life.

However, this freedom that comes with college life also has its downfalls. In college, students have so much freedom to engage in whatever activities they may wish since there is no one around to watch them or remind them of what they should be doing. For instance, a student is free to date whoever he or she wishes. This has led to instances where college professors take advantage and date their students. This is not in any way right. This paper will explore the fact that college professors should not date their students.

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A college professor should not date their students as this interferes with a student’s focus. Many instances you will find that a professor will date a student from a class that he teaches. This will result in the student losing focus in class since he or she will be busy daydreaming about his or her time with the professor instead of concentrating in class.

A student dating a college professor encourages laziness. Students who date their professor believe that they are entitled to be given free grades; in this case high grades. This encourages laziness in the student since he or she will not see the need to work hard like the rest of the class since they know they will be given free marks whether they pass or not.

College professors are expected to be a good example to their students. They should be role models to their students acting in ways that make the students admire them and work towards being like them. However, if they date their students then this sends a bad signal to the students. It could be seen as a way of the professors taking advantage of their students rather than protecting them. Students view their professors as their parents while at school and in turn expect them to protect their interests and not take advantage of their vulnerability.

Lastly, college professors dating their students spoil the reputation of the learning institution. Both Professors and students are a very important part of a learning institution. Their behaviors or actions may impact both positively and negatively to the reputation of the institution. It is, therefore, their responsibility to make sure that they act in ways that promote a positive picture of the institution. College professors dating their students will not convey a positive behavior and in that case, will portray the institution in a negative way. Therefore, it should not be allowed to happen.

College professors dating their students should not be allowed as this does not in any way result in anything positive. It only deters the reputation of the institution and beats the logic of students having to look up to their professors as their role models. It encourages behaviors that would eventually lead to failure of students and could also result in the professors being suspended from the institution or burned from teaching altogether.

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