
Should Flag Burning as a Method of Political Protest be a Crime?

626 words | 3 page(s)

Recently, there have been numerous accounts in the news of individuals taking a political stand by burning the American flag. It has sparked much outrage from both sides. One side contends that the flag gives individuals freedom of speech and freedom of expression, while others feel that burning the flag is a complete disrespect to the men and women who fought for our freedoms. There has also been much debate as to whether or not those who burn the flag should be prosecuted accordingly. Political protests have always been the subject of much outrage and chaos. Rarely, if anything good has come from political protests. Individuals who engage in said behaviors such as burning the American flag often incite division and much controversy in an effort to be seen and heard. Therefore, burning the flag as a method of political protest should be considered a crime.

The American flag is symbolic of many different things. It represents freedoms that were hard-fought and won by the thousands of men and women who willingly served and sacrificed so we might be free. Modern society has somehow gotten the definition of freedom twisted with lawlessness. Those who burn the flag in an effort to take a take, believe what they are doing is right. In essence, it is a slap in the faces of all the men and women who have died to protect our country and the freedoms we have. Living in a free nation and having freedom of expression and freedom of speech does not always necessarily mean one has free reign to do what he or she wishes. There must be a semblance of respect that comes with expressing oneself and what he believes without it becoming a controversial issue that detracts from the point he is trying to make. Burning the American flag crosses the line and does little to support one’s views and beliefs. Moreover, when someone exhibits such poor judgment, it says little for their character and he cannot possibly be taken seriously in his efforts to bring attention to what he is most passionate about.

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The flag is considered a national treasure. It represents our great nation and every single person living within its borders. To burn the flag not only shows disrespect for what it stands for but for every single person it represents. People who have burned the flag have done so because it draws attention to their political stance in such an extreme manner. It has a far-reaching impact by comparison to that of anything else being burned. It is the American flag. A flag that represents patriotism, freedom, and unity. When someone takes a stand by burning the flag, it does not promote the values that the flag represents. Instead it causes disunity and division. It should be considered a felony. Anyone that is considered an American citizen and yet, would burn the American flag should be held accountable in the same manner that someone who is not a citizen and breaks the law would be. Burning the flag is an act of violence. Those who do so should be charged with disturbing the peace, inciting violence, creating chaos, and any other charge that can stick under Federal law.

The current ideology within society argues that freedom of expression gives one the right to burn the flag. There is a huge disconnect between what is right and what is wrong and many have been blinded to the true meaning of liberty and justice for all. Blatant lawlessness such as burning the American flag has promoted political correctness as the dictator of all things. As a result, American traditions and values have been deemed no longer valid for the sake of progressive ideals that are anything but American.

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