
Social Justice in Medicine

365 words | 2 page(s)

I still remember how one of my aunt’s family had to declare bankruptcy due to enormous medical bills as a result of my aunt’s pancreatic cancer. The family might not have been very rich but they could be considered middle class in America. No one could have predicted it but the battle with cancer over the years can get quite expensive. This was the incident that forced me to think about the state of healthcare in America for the first time. I have had the good fortune of significant international travel and was surprised to discover that healthcare coverage is available to all citizens in other developed countries like UK, Australia, and Canada. I also learnt that serious medical issues do not usually threaten families’ financial futures in these particular countries the way they do in America. As I have thought more about healthcare, I have reached the conclusion that healthcare is a basic right, just like food and education, and should be available to everyone at an affordable price if not free.

Education should be available to everyone irrespective of their economic background and this is considered an example of social justice in America. Healthcare should be the same and apparently many developed countries and even developing countries like Cuba have accepted this notion yet the richest nation on the earth has not. I may not agree with all of President Obama’s policies but his healthcare initiative is a step in the right direction.

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Healthcare costs have risen at record pace over the last few decades and as management guru Peter Drucker pointed out in an article for Harvard Business Review, these costs have also been the result of lack of competition and collusion among industry players such as insurance companies. Obamacare will not only make healthcare affordable for all Americans but also benefit the healthcare industry by forcing it to become more efficient. The good news is that social justice is often accompanied by economic benefits. Once America has accepted healthcare as a basic right like education, families will not have to go bankrupt as a result of taking care of their loved ones like my aunt’s family did.

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