
Social Media and Distributed Application Architecture

318 words | 2 page(s)

Facebook started as commercial Online Social Network (OSN) hosting applications to attract ordinary users and advertisers. The system primarily interconnected users though friendships and sharing of personal messages to communicate user-generated content. The system allows free sharing of text messages and multimedia applications to attract more users that are continuously increasing the system’s traffic.

Facebook serves as the largest online social network system embracing billions of users. The system functions as a distributed system in terms of architecture and design. The network system deploys large scale datacenters that maintain its reliability, security and scalability. Further, the vast datacenters enable user-friendly access to all the features of Facebook system 24/7. Facebook’s architecture consists of the core features, namely: Wall, News Feed, Timeline, Friendship, Likes and tags, Notifications, Networks, groups, and pages, Messaging and outbox, and Facebook Messenger.

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Facebook system processes huge amounts of “Big Data” ranging from single messages to analytics and statistical reports. These advantages makes the system beneficial not only for ordinary users sharing their messages with other people, but as well for the vast array of individual entrepreneurs and business ventures that are marketing and promoting their products and services online. The system provides a vast range of options for paid (non-organic) advertisements and warrants the security and effectiveness of ads dissemination in line with the set parameters. The artificial intellect installed in the system enables to penetrate desired target markets (audiences) and achieve overreaching marketing goals.

Highly equipped servers supported by cutting-edge technologies enable to permanently enhance Facebook’s performance. Facebook integrates Hive and Hadoop systems enabling the boundless geographical reach and alignment with cloud computing solutions. Cloud technology solutions keep the Facebook system stable and highly functional, and ensure its dynamic scale and rapid growth (Salem, A. 2014).

  • Salem, A. 2014, Facebook Distributed System: Case Study For Distributed System Inside Facebook Datacenters, International Journal of Technology Enhancements and emerging Engineering Research, Vol. 2, Iss. 7, 152-160.

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